Show COOKING AND EATING not hot every slin bran SL in known now to do it properly at one ona time some or years ago italy held the palm for cookery and the french mocked at what montaigne moni iloni called ie science de guelle I 1 says london chat then came other days when masters of the art such as dech bech arnell daltre of 0 louis the magnificent ent and vatel vale the famous steward of the prince do de conde ruled over the aesthetics of the dinner table and when great ladies ladics even princesses of tho the royal blood and waitresses mai tresses en titre thought it no indignity to direct the course of a dish or to themselves prepare it the princess ot of soubise invented the puree purce dolg doig that is even now called after her the princess of conde gave her name to a particular mode of serving a breast of mutton the duchess of mailly viding with her to a special way of dressing a leg of the same viand the gente louise do de la valliere Vall Vali lere tere was a great adept in all culinary lore and mme ame do de maintenon Maln tenon femme savant as she was vas would herself prepare les cote lettes et for the delectation of her royal master in fact so alarmed was she when louis XIV showed a predilection for carre du mouton a la conte that she called in pere la a chaise who in his turn invoked the aid of another priest with the triumphant result that canard au pere douillet Doull let is known historically as aa having been the dish that weaned the too susceptible monarch from the pitfalls of the princess and fixed him in the paths of virtue by tho the side of the widow mcarron Sc arron with all due respect to mgr ln it is not every man of sense who knows how to eat witness the first napoleon and the great carlyle men who swallowed their food in great gulps ruining alike their health and which is synonymous namous with health their tempers also everyone Eve is not like mr gladstone who lays it down as an axiom and acts acta upon it too that food should be turned over in the mouth at least twenty or thirty times before it is finally swallowed so do not deceive yourselves the most important hour that a day has in store tor for you the axle upon which all else turns health business wealth happiness Is ie that hour which is ushered in by what byron calls the tocsin of the soul that is the dinner bell it is a time tor for which to prepare ourselves with a solemnity befitting such a grave occa occasion and is not to be rushed into lightly as aa if it were of little or no moment otherwise how has it arisen that the favored ones of the earth habitually cast off the garments of toil the coat of varied and unmentionable garments of varied form and attire themselves do de rigueur whenever it is a question of dinner |