Show WEEK INTHE IN THE legislature declare against an income tax inree number of blim xi hilled tilled and few passed important land I set nee relation measure introduced ida hos holon actions kirit suit luke lake and are entertained or of the social feature oi 0 degisi legislative active work was quite prominent the past week in eluding a reception tendered by sena tor elect rawlins to those who voted for him a junketing trip to logan the biet for the purpose ostensibly of inspecting spec ting the agricultural college and playing hort hoft to the solons of idaho the trip to logan was a very pleasant one the members being entertained by the citizens after the inspection wits was over by bv sleighing parties and a dance on the road to logan the idaho legislature was hasmet met arrangements had been made tor for the junket before assembly had decided to pay the visit hence the apparent discourtesy but arrangements for entertainment were made by legislative and city officials which included visits to fort douglas and to the penitentiary sunday the visitors attended exercises at the tabernacle where an organ recital was later held for their entertainment monday forenoon the legislature met in joint assembly and entertained the guests until unfit noon when they took their departure the week past was a record breaker for work quite a few new measures were introduced and an equal or greater number met their doom either by adverse committee reports or upon the floor among those killed are kenners income and inheritance tax bill Gi gibsons Gib brons sons free school book bill house resolution appropriating 2500 2500 to be used at Tennes sees centennial exposition kenners antl anti bill kenners bill making silver siler sil er legal tender for all debts mrs La Barthes curfew bill kenners anti deficiency judgment bill thompsons Thomp sons referendum bill for the goi tern eminent ment of cities the fate of most of the measures created no surprise perhaps the greatest disappointment was the failure to pass kenners graduated income tax bill it being a tenet of both the national and state democracy it was defeated in the house by an overwhelming vote ten democrats voted for the bill to twenty nine against it many of the adverse votes were explained assigning as a reason reacon opposition to the inheritance tax provisions sloan said it should be entitled a measure to punish widows for becoming widows he also asserted the author must have got his dictionary and doctrine and covenants mixed when preparing his arguments in support of the measure the bill provided for an income tax as follows on 2000 to 2 per cent to 3 per cent arzo or more 4 per cent the inheritance ta tax was fixed by the bill as follows 1000 to 2 per cent to 3 per cent or more 4 per cent BILLS PASSED among the bills passed are callist bill to pay election judges for 1896 the measure met with little opposition lr in either branch but is to be reconsidered its constitutionality having been attack ed the memorial for election of united states senators by a direct vote of the people was passed after the preamble which referred to some manifestations manifestation r of the late contest had been stricken out cannons bill for the compulsory ed of deaf mutes and b blind aind under the age of 30 cooks bounty bill amending the law of 1894 its salient feature empowers the board of county commissioners to offer rewards for the destruction of wild animals at discretion the old law made it imperative upon petition signed by loo joo taxpayers tax pa payers ers NEW MEASURES among the bills of general interest introduced are by ray providing for the acceptance by the state from the united states of certain lands for their acclamation occupation and disposal the bill pr otides olides lor for the acceptance of the grat grant of roo oooo acres under tinder the carey act and ad places the control of the land in the board of land commissioners the details of the application to construct irrigation works are set forth at length the board it ID required to de termine the feasibility of the proposed works and if found feasible and in the public interest it shall file a request in the local land office tor for the withdrawal of the land described in the application when the land is withdrawn by the department part ment of the interior it becomes the duty of the board to enter into a contract with the applicant setting forth complete specia callons of every nature contracts are limited for completion to april i 1901 and work ork must be begun within six months of the date of contract failure of contract contractors ois to comply with tai lr contract Is made to involve for feature of their rights right and aad all work performed all applications to enter land must be accompanied by a certified copy of a contract COIL tract tor for a perpetual water right together with 25 cents per acre for the land applied for the uniform price of lands so go accepted is fixed at all moneys received fr orn om the tale sale of lands are to be used for executing the law the water rights to all lands acquired under the provisions of the act become appurtenant to the land at as soon as the title passes parses from the united states state to the state obligations for water arc made a first lien hen upon the land of grand introduced a more lengthy measure covering the same game points these measures me asuree are among the most important yet considered copies may be had by addressing the public land committee by perkins allowing poor people to begin and maintain suits in equity with out cost upon making affidavit of inability to have recourse otherwise by hardy relating to punishment tor for murder the bill flies fikes punishment for murder in the first degree at empris for life convictions on circumstantial cum evidence shall not be punished by penalties more severe than those imposed lor for murder in tl e second degree NOTES the senate voted to hive hav e municipal ea elections in the fall Alli Allison sons 6 corrupt practices act was amended in the senate by striking out the section requiring candidates to file sworn statements of their election expenses will not be legislated out of employment an appropriation af 2000 2 has been asked to defray the expenses of the trans trana congress which convenes in salt lake the coming summer senator snow fathers a measure to establish a branch of the normal school in beaver county A message from governor wells was received calling attention atten lion to the fact that each state is allowed to place statues of two people whose lives were indissolubly ils dis connected with the common w bealh ea in statuary hall at the national capital the mesba 0 was the result of a letter to the governor from senator cannon and suggested that a resolution carrying an appropriation for a statue of brigham young be passed |