Show THE REPLY of moses moe Tha thatcher to apostle snows knowis lottor letter continued from list last week ab I 1 have already stated I 1 understood the manifesto at the time it was handed ti me for approval just as I 1 understand jt it now while it ostensibly appeared not to restrict the libertis of the people yet there was no limitation to its application and in view of the fact that nearly every eiery niale male In emler of the church bolds some office and andas as there has as 3 et been no public decision announced ai to the officers to be controlled by it thero there have ariaen disputes and dif ferencie s of opinion as to its intent this being true and the danger being that it cluid be ba applied to restrict the liberties of tile the people I 1 cannot sustain it I 1 thought then as I 1 think now that such a course would woud be aaion I 1 had never dreamed tuat a condition would arise in my life where I 1 could not servo serve god fully and yet yield my iriv complete alle alIe bance to my illy coun country to my detate the alie spirit 0 of f the manKe mani aio as it appealed to me was in violent altri antagonism to all I 1 had believed and put pul lirly proclaimed tor for many deais and I 1 could not lot and so 60 for far bavo not been able to bring myself ton to a point where I 1 believed I 1 should yield my political ju figment to any set of men however praiseworthy their intentions the position taken by mo me in pr political ili was nas one that I 1 could not alter through ough my veins and into them for generations hns has been sifted a blood that acknowledged the supremacy of the people only in civil affairs because of this thia it was easy tor for me to understand and accept the principles pea of christ as explained by our church which as I 1 understand them accord the ri right lit of af free looi loui and grant rant the free 1 agency of man before god gd G d arid and among men and it is bec ius these rights arb are accorded men under the gospel or of christ as accepted by latter lay saints that I 1 have yielded obedience to the gospel have labored for it arid and love it for tile labor I 1 have given it this assertion may not be acce accepted apted by you but such activity as I 1 have shown in politics has been caused by an anxiety to preserve the reputation of my lily file Apai I raden leri when they gave assurances ellra su cas of political honesty amon among the saints tor for there w v re intimations eions and they were vre well known that in pledging political freedom to tile the people of utah the authorities were insincere in their declarations 3 my y unwillingness to take part in I 1 democratic campaigns in face of the ru cune urba of my republican brethren bretl breth irn rn was prie one of the grounds on which it was asserted that the church authorities had broken faith while I 1 have loved democracy demo crary because to roe me its name eni embodies bolies all of civil liberty yet I 1 did not lot baut to take in an active part in politics because of my poor heath health arid and because I 1 did not deem it wise for or one holding 11 in my v position in ill the church to I 1 become aggles ive in the church movement yet against a ainest my own judgment i sn ue flance ol of the demands of my lic health alth and that it might not he be said of tile the first presidency that their pledges were given to deceive deceive I 1 made some political speeches spee chesi for tho the same reason having in ill mind the lionor honor of the people anti and the reputation of I 1 he church leaders and against my iny sol etain mn protest I 1 consented that my n aine should bo be used as a senatorial tandi candidate date por for this act I 1 was taken t to 0 task at a priest boo I 1 mec roset ting mg when was presented to upp appeared earod to my mind as a corn command mand on ull all to reco recognize Anize tile right of tile the church authorities to control political concerns Loa eon cerns it meant so far as as I 1 was 1 a reca nation lation 0 oi the prin I 1 had bad for ican a 11 r receding E di ng from tle aroun ground d 1 had balf occupied during the division movement an all 1 albo e nil all it made roe feel tant I 1 would bo be untrue to myself I 1 to do not claim that I 1 cannot be wrong wron but with tile the light I 1 have havck tile the mant esto applied as its construction will allow or as it would be interpreted by men bosc personal ambitions might control arid and subvert their sense of right could be operated to the injury of the stille stale if as I 1 hold tile the p ople have enough intelligence to become acquainted with the responsibilities of citizenship and they have no more right to yield their judgment I 1 in respect of the exercise of the franchie than have any set of men to attempt to control that ju judgment ig Wh whatever alever the cost with the knowledge now guiding me I 1 must still stand where I 1 have stood for years my fy whole life and its work contradict the charge chame that I 1 could seek office on oil a platform antagonistic tic to any church I 1 I any man who stood upon any such a form I 1 lid did say that if the voters of the state of young 0 utah believed I 1 represented principles deem recognition and was there firc tendered the united states senator hip I 1 would accept for the inDr mation n of those interested it must inest be under I 1 that I 1 am a with all the word signifies AS a democrat I 1 hold it a duty for every citizen to enjoy the privileges conferred upon him by our und that it is given to no man mail to 0 no o corporation and to no boily body of men irien to connol the citizen in the exercise of his franchise I 1 bf believe lieve in that deni democracy which for equal and exact justice to all with special privileges to nono none I 1 am for a jin government in NN which 0 ro o far at least as 19 1 legislation gi makes to ahat end there shall be ba no extremely rich and no abjectly poor I 1 favor the principle of an income ta I 1 am for the money of tile the tonas ton von as interpreted in the democratic platform pla torm adopted at this year I 1 am for a tariff that will realize the amount necessary to conduct tile government without running it into debt in times of peace but that tariff must bo be so eo levied and so eo a albu ted t that hat is burdens aad advantages shall be borne and be shared alike by all industries dus tries and by all parts of our common country I 1 am ain with tile the constitution in tile the declaration that eliat there shall be an all absolute of church and state that the state rhall not control the church nor tile the church encroach on the prerogatives tives of the and to this end I 1 have endorsed and still endorse the declarations of tile democratic demo craic convention of a year ago I 1 invite neither the support nor tile opposition boik of the church it lias no concern in political issues the members of my former quorum have deemed it expedient tn tio deprive deprille me of my pries hood it if I 1 discua the r action it is as a church member As a citizen and a democrat I 1 concede their right to discipline me for any cartee whatever As a member of the democratic party as a citizen I 1 deny their right or their intention to int ofero avith my iny politas po itic cs the threat of the deseret ne neg as ai the church organ to the contrary banding in ion I 1 desire V to say that I 1 do not comp iliin of the treatment accorded me nor d do I 1 at the humiliation to which I 1 have been subjected ent but I 1 cannot think the ahrea cued ex excommunication coin from the church as intimated in ill some bome quarters qu artera can be seriously entertained am I 1 to bo be driven out of tile church because of the manifesto I 1 at shall atall all try anti and live tile the religion of our savior I 1 want to liso ike and die agioni my ll ethren tind friends I 1 de ire to do ney my duty to my church I 1 wish my children to observe the ine principles of llie gosp gospel el that they too may desire to live dio die and bo be burled buried by the side of their father when they eliell reach on oil the hillside a final place of prace and rest with sentiments 0 of f esteem I 1 nm am as heretofore your brother in the gospel MOSES TiiT CALa |