Show THE REPLY of moses mo Th chatelier atelier to apostle Ai otle letter continued from last week the notice was app apparently arenth Patis satisfactory rac ai it wai published in the defered weekly news cf dec 1 1880 as 88 fOl follows lOus NOTICE any printed or written document circulated cu ca or that may be circulate I 1 aman among 9 the dainis ot of god as a report ot of any sermon or part of 01 sermon sermons or parts ot of sermons or of any private or public remarks said to have teen leen made by me lire are rin unauthorized authorized unless personally re vied by bv me or written over my signature and tho th makini arid and circulating of any unauthorized report is without my mv sanction and without my consent MOSES THATCHER in the samo issue the nev news a commented e literally as follows follow in another column will be found a a notice from elder kwea thatcher Tl atcher of the council of the apostles we direct general attention to it because there lias has ripen been a great deal of comment over some remarks attributed to him have been copied and circulated and lately have been printed and distribute i 1 among the saints it is very verv unfair to lo take tal e this coure cour e and we consider such proceedings worthy of severe censure those who have printed and distributed the alleged allega i extracts from a sermon delivered by bv elder thatcher in cache county some time ago have in our opinion exceeded their right and those who rely upon the purported pur portel remarks as authentic and to be discussed as prophecy or doctrine may be led into error as the report thus disse mated is without authority of the speaker we are pleased to receive the notice trim from elder thatcher Tha teher and cheerfully sive give it a prominent place in our columns 11 subsequent to the year IRSO no further complaint wis was made until the appearance of your open letter ten years later alte r anti aad as DO additional requirements were made of me I 1 had a to believe the matter ion long since adjudicated no one at any time ever intimated to me in any way that this was cherished secretly against me by any any of my brethren Can candida candidly didy Prep president ident snow what is there in all elih that in any way can be cont construed trued as a justification for the unkind comments you have male upon the circumstances your statements are calculated to injerd mein me in thee tiie estimation stirn oi many people who have read our letter nul i of me w without remembering mem bering or having road read the deseret news of dec surely you w null not intentionally do me an injury you fay f ay fai anither ther he disputed with president taylor is 0 the appointment of president of the login log n temple and contended for a man rf nf his him own selection even after the dreb president ulena announced the appointment by revelation the truth of this matter is made plain liy fly tl tale action 0 of president bavler in inset abet ang me apart on tho same eime iiii ay as one of the counselors coun selon of the president 0 of the logan log iii temple president taylar would not intro discord in the tern temple pie and iad 1 I 4 against liim him that M mould have hava been the effect I 1 would not havo apen made third officer in that sacred f place if I 1 had been in such stich open rebellion ai you depict president kiy lor M as my buettin gueft in logan at the time lime the president prem ident of agan temple was wag nam nain v 1 on the rooming morning of the day the apio was matts male preside at taylor g amp ame town down stain anti and bedora breakfast break fast le he state i in the pres Dres nce of witnesses wit nesse s intia lie ho felt impress d ta to appoint 31 W merrill pres dent deit of 01 the logan jenipe te nipe awl askea me ino what I 1 thought of it I 1 i ed that it ws a good c on ion alint tit at lie inight barcli B arch the staka over and not lind fi ud a man better adapted to alie t position n and I 1 gave as my mv reasons ti blat at brother Il mern errill il v Nas as financially well to do and could allord to nive give to tho the work ills his time and that lie was secretive and methodical in his bli habits president tailor lor said lie was pleased to hear irk in ay K H I 1 never at any time or in any place opposed tle tile appointment lut but was iba S third officer in that temple t till 11 liy by th ahn action of my qu U rum film I 1 was deprived of all pre ta aly y now altar uh on this aliis reint paint you make a very positive charge against arai nat me you may havo this matter Cri c infused fused ith the selection of 0 a president for cache stake in m my absence from conre conference rence in salt sal t lake from which I 1 was wag excused b by y president taylor on n account ac runt of illness in my family elder C 0 card was wa 9 chosen stake president to succeed bisbo bishop P preston who had been called to the office he now holds A few days later I 1 was informed by a mem berof my quorum as to thu the action taken in the matter of the cache stake presidency and my illy opinion was asked about it I 1 stated that since elder card had bad been unanimously chosen I 1 would acquiesce later 0 oi an effort was made to remove lent dont card which I 1 opposed I 1 took the ground that while pro merrill was the stronger character I 1 would oppose tile removal of pre card as bis appointment was known among the people and ilia his summary dismissal was as sure to result in his irreparable injury I 1 only mention this matter because thero there Is no lie foundation tor for complaint in the other incident anil and you may have con fusel the two I 1 cite this as a possible renson for your i t haro harge because I 1 have no desire to quibble lle here is another of bour charges when wilford woodruffs accession to the presidency was under consideration as the proper successor he fie expressed opinions which showed that he regarded human smartness sma and business ability as above that simplicity of character sud and susceptibility to divine impressions pres gions which are notice noth lle in that fa ahful servant of god and objected that sudi such a man could not grasp the si of affairs or cope with the difficulties arising ari aing he was overruled but persisted ted in his views to my in mind nd there never was any question about tle tie proper successor to president taylor I 1 dil did not regard it as a 1 debatable matter for I 1 always held president woodruff as aa the logical successor to president taylor tay lor I 1 maintained this at th time and have since to testified tilled to its propriety on many occasion I 1 have alwaes held that with the death of a president dies the authority ot of his counselors as counselors and the supreme authority of the church is then vested in the quorum of apostles upon the death ot of president taylor wilford woo ruff as the head of the leading quorum of the church was therefore the leading officer in the chur church ct in my view no one had a right to assume his hig authority or issig addresses to the lat ter ler dav saints sainta ignoring him yet an ad dr dass sis was issued which did not design to mention president woodruff or any of the apostles had my name been agn eil ed to it you yon might well accuse me ot of attempting to oppose the accession of pres dent woodruff but my my name was not there if there was a contest be tween human smartness and simplicity of character for the presidency I 1 a asure assure sure you my preferences were for the latter simplicity of character is an ornament to any position although it is often subservient ta human smartness smart nois 11 you make this general charge against my t amper or bisp disposition his bearing with his hia brethren was such that lie he not brook broo k dissent and resented acceptance non of its his personal views I 1 have always tried to bo be honest cartful careful consid considerate erate and conscientious with my brethren I 1 confess that I 1 have lial hal my personal views on almost every qu tion stion eliat came up I 1 ha hal I 1 thought I 1 was entitled to them had I 1 entertained the doubt 0 of my right in tile the quorum to my opinions I 1 wool never have given the six brethren to hom you refer efe r the opportunity to vote mean me an apos iship As it was avas I 1 protested pirt part of three days before giving my c to Pre president silent taylor but if I 1 ever resented therion the non accey ance of my views on any qu stion where I 1 had been accorded accor led the right to arsent them I 1 do not recall it and now I 1 come to what appears to be the chief reason for my suspension and subs subsequent quent viz the political manifesto read in fit the april conference I 1 regard this as the main diffen enca between ns beca because of the space you vou give it in your open letter and be bc cau e pros pres geo Q cannon said plainly to elder B 11 roberts that it not right to lo circulate other charges about abou rue me as my iny name would not have ben be n dropped had I 1 signed the manifesto and because a lea leai leading ling ing apostle declared that within three dais from my refusal to sign ain I 1 would have beun been brought to trial had my health permitted also be cau e I 1 WAI never publicly or priya privately tely accused of the other of fences you charge until niter after it iu 3 presentation tor for my signa attire aal last because at the logan high council meeting pres jus jos F smith gave thit that as the r reason ason for my suspension you eay eav there was nothing not liing new in that document as it rel relates to church that it contain ron taini 4 that which lias has bean an established doctrine of ahn church and that usually inen en do not require murn mum tim to con consider toder a anat iealer er which they have always held to be right 11 had my views s relating to this subject harmonized with your statements thorn them would have been no lit in on my partin part in prom ally signing that instrument nr to this rule of discipline had I 1 understood too I 1 that it was simply an old and established doctrine of the church I 1 woul I 1 have given no at enton to tle the previously previous Iv published dished dot doila la rations of tb the e pr s aih ling quorum or um of the church ing the absolute political lial ial lit liberty erty and individual of the citizen of nt utah an anil ani I I 1 believe that tha t perfect berfert freedom of political acan d by fea r of eccles attical is es eF under our republican form of 0 government alio principle is so well established in the Decla declaration tation of independence p pen dence in the national constitution and in in the constitution of our own stat that it neba no argument to sustain it could I 1 have accepted as a fact act your state meta ts I 1 would arve saved myself tho the di li tresi that has followed my t burfe regard mi the manifesto 01 october 1890 which was gene generally rilly considene con sidoro I 1 and is still regarded as the first public anti and 1 affe tie tive live movement towards securing statehood in utah |