Show TAX LIST or OF delinquents OF RICH COUNTY colty ron FOR isoo 1896 pursuant to see sec chapter chapler of the laws of the state of utah passed by the alie first regular session of legislative assembly the undersigned undersigner under signed the collector of the county of rich state of utah under the direction or of the hie county commissioners of said county hereby give notice by publication that the lie following named persons aro are delinquent tit in the payment of state school county and special district school taxes in said county for tile the ye year ar 1896 to the amount set opp opposite 0 site their respective n mines inies the fol lowine describe il property will be exposed for sale at the front door of the bounly court house in randolph R ch coun y on the third monday in december 1896 at al 12 noon and tire sat gale will be continued continue I from day to 10 day until delinquent list is exhausted sted or the taxes aud and costs are paid aid J 31 GRANT collector ifor for rich county utah J M grant S i N W ar S i N E ar sec 9 tp 11 N it 7 E S L M acres acred acres N W ar eec bec 21 tp UN R 7 E S L bl M acres |