Show tile way to kill hill it town oppose improvements sneer at its newspaper run it down to strangers Ie refuse Fue to improve your residence do riot not invest in it lay out your me money n somewhere else lengthen your face when strangers talk of locating in it be very particular to discredit the llie motives ot of public spirited citizens dont see sec any merit in any scheme that dont particularly benefit you if cant ill 11 II ei cry thing judge everybody iv by yourself N and accuse him of doing it do your best to divide your you r town into factions and keep one faction fighting fightlin the other run down other parts of the town more than your 0 on n and speak disparagingly of all the surrounding country except such tracts as you i on are interested in should you happen to patronize a local paper let the editor know you vou simply do it 11 to help him along neier neer for a moment acknowledge to yourself or to anyone else that a prosperous town was ever built up and never will be without theair the aid of a local newspaper west baden journal |