Show who will layout invent an instrument that can estimate the depth of water under a ship without taking soundings oun dings tile ilie dl to the drummond cubile ills li is awakened interest in the problem which sir william siemens once tackled awl ami for which lie he devised devi soil un an called a bathum elor it was exceeding ly delicate and in alli ide IL cry e I 1 lo 10 the earths earthe attraction showing ili a va varying rt record as a ship bussed from deell lee n ih i h illow water and vice versa vers lint it 1 was uner neier perfected one of all aliu entries sir willlim siemens encountered was the disturbing effect of continental attraction now bon however ever in tills this age of the impossible made pot biblo it aou would I 1 d eom eem that our im endors c ouli could lave no nobler incentive than tu clr prevent such a eata catastrophe strophe as to the drummond castle |