Show california state has eighty fifth birthday colorful periods in U S history are recalled washington D C american America Ameri cals 3 first push of statehood to the pacific r sig 1 by C Cali fornias admission to th the e union in 1850 18 io and marking one of tile the young nations early steps toward becoming com ng an ocean to ocean power Is 85 years old california has been celear celebrating abing the eighty fifth year of its attainment attainment of statehood with admission day a state holiday but the occasion cc aslon also recalls re crills one of the most important and colorful periods in the history of the united states as it fl whole says the national geographic society gold rush days the opening of the great west and establishment of a CHAINED FOR WORKERS 3 0 k 51 N n 1 KIN 0 o miss alar alara slite nineteen und in pretty garment ment worker Is se asefi chained to a traffie post in new tori nn an ordeal 0 to o winch which she submitted vol arlly her plight all ht attracted atten alien to the demand of striking ship pins ping clerks and allied workers worker in ID tho tens industry As all police tiled st at hey her fetters fell rs she elie cleant d ww noonday crowds to support stiPp orl the strike kii which later was settled by compromise full fledged state government on the pacific coast all belong to the era of sa years ago when california was admitted to the union in 1850 lt it meant a long iong jump the nearest state to california californi a was texas california was a sort of outlying island surrounded by vast territories which in some cases ware we re not organized into states until as much as GO years later in fact california was believed to be an actual island or group grou P of islands in early spanish times before it had been much explored though its coast was touched in 1542 43 by spanish nav california was not se settled tiled until spain then added it to her mexican territory to forestall occupation by england or russia distance and sparseness of settlement kept california from ever developing close ties either to or to mexico many americans went to california to settle and there was strong sentiment for annexing california to the united states both among these immigrants arid and among americans amer elcans at home where the doctrine of the manifest destiny of american westward expansion was taking hold gold and the mexican war made california a part of tile the united states not long after the declaration of wa war r on mexico american forces in california hoisted the united st states a tes flag and the area was formally ceded to this country on february 2 1848 under the treaty of peace mexico also ceded territory that now includes nevada utah arizona new mexico an and d part pare 01 of colorado receiving in return a cash payment of 00 only a few days before california was ceded to tile the united unite id states james W marshall had made his famous discovery of got gold at slitters mill on the american river near colonia coloma in I 1 n a few weeks the california gold rush was on by the end of it Is estimated that men had bad flock flocked ed to california the large majority y of them were vere anicia leans and the territory became american in fact as well as in name meanwhile the slavery question was coming to the fore the union had balance of 15 a slave states and 15 free when california began seek statehood preparing to there we were re strong efforts to make it a slave state but its when constitution was fremed was prohibited slavery california wa was s admit ed to the union on september 9 law california californi a has made phenomenal progress since the days of 49 when red shorted gold miners miner s kept hept order by rough and ready methods and there were fewer people in the whole state than live today in the states capital city sacramento oil and oranges now have an annual value greater than the gold that Is ing dug each year from california lill mines nes recently however there has lieen been a revival reviva of interest in sold gold mining 7 a and n cl many of the unemployed have made a few dollars a day by primitive prin mining methods resembling abo those se used by the forty biners 1 second in area among all tile the 48 states california Is 19 first in ninny things e it has the highest mountain in the united unite states outside alaska a mt alt whitney and the lowest point in the country death valley its motion picture industry leads the alie world it has tile the worlds largest telescope the inch instrument at bit alt wilson allson ll son observatory atory of the carnegie institution the new hu huge ge inch telescope of tile the california institute of technology will be mounted on mt alt palomar in the southern part of the state los angeles with its suburbs covers more territory than any other city in tile the united states though tho agh it Is tirla in population ninny many of Cali fornias famous big trees the sequoias are older than the pyramids california leads all 1111 states in irrigation ga don which has turned vast areas of it ts arid land into rich fruit and vegetable farms it produces all th the e borax used in the united states and most of the grapes |