Show aro CIK DIPPING SHEEP IS EASILY DONE vat Is as essential as shed for proper shelter it lias has been said by one hut authority hority that a dipping vat la Is as essential on a sheep farm as a shed for shelter ube farm dipping vat should be built of galvanize dIron wood or preferably concrete it should be six indies inches wide at the bottom and twenty inches fit at the top and four feet long at thie the bottons bottom with a gradual slope elope at one end making it eight feet long jong at afie top slats should be nailed to walk out the vat should have a total depth of about four feet and should be set in the ground so that the top willbe six indies inches above the surf at the exit a small drain pan with it a tight floor should be constructed construct so that the drip pings will drain back int into the tank there are several devices for getting the heep alicea into the tank one of the best being a strip of smooth sheet iron slightly sloping to the vat upon which the sheep are driven and whence they may be easily forced into the dip A small pen atthe entrance Is necessary to hold the lie sheep that are to be dipped there tire are a number of dips on the market and most of them are de destructive to external parasites Perhaps 1 the most common are the coal tar dips which should be used at the rate of 2 24 gallons of dip to gallons of water the dip Is ii most effective when used at a temperature of about degrees fahrenheit it is not necessary to keep the sheep in III the dip for any length of time unless scab Is present and then ihen they should remain in the ali vat about two minutes the hosul head should be immersed twice thus making sure that every part Is thoroughly soaked the cost of dipping will average about two cents per head besides the labor |