Show rich Coun county fair continued from front page 1 peart meat co S 11 II pool 1001 hall smith barber shop sol conley 1000 1500 bank of randolph 1000 arthur brough broseh EVANSTON ON WYO 1 kastor inc 2500 2506 trana continental barage ani gc inc 2500 C C smith inc 1000 overland co 1000 palace moat market cafe 1000 lervig Cough boughtin tin TIA thos Os osborne korne em elk cafe 1500 service Stati 1000 otte drug co evanston Ey anston hotel 1000 crystal cafe the evanston national bank 1000 the blyth 11 fargo argo co 2500 strand theatre the hub 2500 skaggs batway safeway stores dr cheese along kong cafe J L wicks IDAHO J 0 renney J 00 thiel olsen 1500 stock auto sales barrett corp C W CO 1500 I 1 L rich illch motor 1500 |