Show good intentions are somewhat like fainting women they both need carrying out twenty five years ago when one saw a randolph ninn man handling a 1 pack package 1190 with all the care in the world IV it would have been eggs ggs the only more dangerous to gryto try to pass abin counterfeit money Is 14 a bus on a carroy road it if on oil top of raising the tariff tile the railroad rates are raised too then the may decide to raise cain we never see it a woman around R randolph anymore with tile the old fashioned wasp waist but we sometimes bump into one with that kill klad of a disposition doctor Doctors say no one knows all tile the ills ilia to which the human flesh is heir but the old time abuit almanac nac came pretty close to it trouble never hangs bangs out a shingle or puts a nun number ibey on its his door hilt but you vou never have any difficulty in fill finding ling where lie he liven any Rap raldolph dolph kid can tell when his father is 14 on the wrong side of the argument by the way ibay he bangs tilt the door when he be goes agoes out A turk claims to have reached the age of by living on garlic riga eiga abets and cheese father time could ift choke off a breath that strong lind had you hoard beard nebout the Randol randolph lib girl who knew so little about cats cars that she asked tier her boy friend if clicy kept them cool by stripping their gears one nice thing about a r radio adio 11 1 clait no one ever corner come in on the line anil and saya ay guess who tills this Is ever notice that tile the only tittle time some Rm randolph idolph men dont spend money foolishly isi i when they are broke |