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Show rich county news, Randolph, utah Tiiii we are still in The Rich County Published by THE RICH COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. CHRIS. CHRISTENSEN ARTHUR MCKINNON Publishers Chris. Christensen, Entered ms Editor & The second class matter May Office at Kuudolph, 389, at the Post 3o, Utrvh, under the act of Maich 3, 1879. Cream Separator -- i Published every Saturday at Hiimlulli, Utah. Subscription, regular puce 1.23. Jf paid strictly iu advance, $1.00 per1 .. year. . non-rusti- "Randolph Utah April. 8. 1916 well-kno- ical cleaning. i ' I think that spring cou Id propeily be! called '1 lie worst season of the year, because it seems as if every year, with spring con.es the tendency for studeuts especially in the upper grades, to leave school. bonie students perhaps the brightest in the school, may withdraw now and The ONLY cream separator with a guarantee. The ONLY cream separator with a rustless bov1 chamber liner. The ONLY cream separator sanitary from top to bottom, made possible by metal and superior construction. non-rusti- ng their pi ogress in the school world, just because of the disease commonly known as spring fever. The idea of quitting seems to lake a much stronger hold in spring than at other times of the year, hut it should be excluded then above all times, for if a student withdraws then lie must be satisfied with himself through life no matter w hat sort of society ht gets into or what voeati in lie chooses. Asa general uile, too many country boys and girls are satisfied with themselves and their surroundings. A large percentage of the people reared on the farm remain there through life, and, sad to say. many of them do not show much improvement over their ancest-er- s. stop QNL Y bearing adjustable while run- The ONLY cream separator with medium sized gears, all enclosed and all running in oil. The ONLY cream separator to which the crank can be attached to either many Spencer Bros. & Company, features "you can find these features 'in self. We will gladly bring one out to your place and dem- onstrate it. No obligation to buy. ' Greetings to all our old Customers and many new ones JACOBSON, Randolph, lUtah I ( A Jack of All Trades and Master of Each ol Jo-Jiu- a report lidiik Jluidu to the Ciimmii,,uiiiiT of the State of Lt.ih of UlO COUliltlOll of 11 . , u. LMng I found on you tvuii neighbor-hood- j it with very strength and 4 :ugta-builde- r. II o Co., doing business in the City of ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CURE, Suite of Porcelain. An Engl.zh Inventor 13 building A reuse of sheets of porcelain, pan '.led and welded on a steel framewcik. The walls, wculu . ..being coc retain mrt or disease germs, Kf. mutter how careless or flirty the 1 vlous tenant had been, a bucketful of water and some soap would make It H(-u- a non-porou- aa sweet and cLan as a po'Isacd n ir piate. i..n- - A, GLVZIEit Bunii Commissioner, Very nly j ours, ( t)n!y $1.35 for Rscn County News and THE GREAT FAMILY GROUP wlilch concista of these three masariincs all one full year. Value of macazhee alone 0100. Also any one McCall Pattern FREE FRANK J, CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by ail Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. n HOME LIFE Peoples Popular Monthly 25c a (NfaMMfr Yar) &te of Idoat homo reading. Lots of stories eleu. 24 big pages State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I ss Lucas County, ( Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he )9 . senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & To- ),;!. are strictly up to date. I shall call s The Big: Four BARGAIN (PnUulwd Honlhlj Inquire of. 'hurst or lA recommend every reader to take 'he gumbo regions of the lower Mississippi valley, where the roads ave been the worst in the world, nrogressive citizens have taken to burning the clay of the soil and spreading this material ever the highways. The 'gumbo" is so changed by the heat that It presents a fairly hard and mudless surface, even after e heavy rain. I irrain drills haytools, harvesting; Cash m Mercantile Company Makes Good Road. - SoU Thank ini; you for your patroiiatro and in hope ofs Very much well-know- j icorge spre.-ider- , week I was delayed in my work by a hack-doo- r visit or a lengthy telephone call. Accordingly I proposed to several that we adopt office hours for our work and permit no intermix tion during those hours, writes a con- - In sh-il- l freijuen'ly and anticipate in advance, if possible just wlilt you dren from Incongruous names tis being suggested. The late Canon Bards-ley- , author of a book on English names, told the story of what was probably the most idiotic name ever bestowed upon an unfortunate infant A woman had her son baptized What for no other reason than to cause amusement In future years when, being asked his name, he should reply "What. t 1 hat a re made and sold today. t "What. Vaa Hla Name. A guild of godparents to save chil- (y The toll of tuberculosis is claiming more than 350 victims every day in the United States, yet few realize their grave condition until the critical period arrives. Overwork, worry, weakness after side- ness, catarrh, bronchitis, tender throats all exert the weakening influence that invites consumption. To guard against consumption, thou- sands of people take ScottsEmulsionafter meals because its rich medidnal nourish- strengthens the lungs, puts vigor in the blood, and upbuilds strength to resist tuberculosis. Scotts Emulsion is natures Refuse substitutes. at: Le--- that often during the and ws have followed gratifying economy of time. v Lon on uiiiir Wiicon Newcomb, Salesman I Lewi-- . the pleasure year in tlieWtty 0 ill have the line-- . th'y handle, anil that more in the future, I am, Utah Office Hours. In n very friendly (he. chinery, m.d manure Vise, Clamp, Hoist, Wrench, and dozens of other everyday uses. Thousands used the world over by all occupations. Saves the cost of $:6o.oo worth of necessary tools. Double acting, steel detachable lever. Built of open hearth steel and malleable iron. Guaranteed tor life no charge for repairs. Sold on 30 days trial. Old jacks taken in exchange. West Tenth St., Indianapolis, lad. 0 Manufactured by CHAS. E. BENEFIEL CO., Inc.. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. Get our selling plan and earn from 30 to 60 every week. Special low introductory price for next fewdays. Arrange at onceforfreedemoostration. Chris Christensen Agt. Randolph ;ir tli it, li'-oi- John Deere plows, harrows The original 18 in 1 Automatic Handi-Toyouve heard so much about. Successfully combining an automatically operated, button-oile- d Lifting, Pulling and Construction Jack, Fence Stretcher, Wire Splicer and Mender, Post, Stump and Shrub Puller, Tire Tightener, Press, high school work. So let us keep the world progressing NO 1ICK TO Cl! if DI iORrf like all of the leading men have done, AOiton Sr decent d Estate of by doing all we can to keep ourselves Croditois wi.l present cl inns vuiti and the community tip to the standard. vouebeis to ttie iud''llgiied at EvansI et us ask ourselves. How can 1 ton, t'inia Count, Wyoming on in nuke an self worth more in such a before the 13th. ill. ) of .Way, A. D. !Jih slo 't time? How can I do more fori,,Date of first publication Jamial.v lOtb. the nation? Cun I do it on .sheep 'A. D 11)10. Elizebeill Ashton aiinne-- I range or ina kitchen? Let us make n islritiu: of auj 0t;le of jltel,Ul, Ae.LU firm resolution to keep up to the stud-- nr. ueoeik-c- , ies if we van until the close of school Fred It. Moigfii weeks and see iT i illy a few AduumiUaUix lor attorney doesn't place new ideas and ideals in our minds. If we go to school and take c nitses hieii will bemfit us most in o r rspictive vocations we may he Creditors vv ill present claims with the means of raising not only ouiseives vom.l(.,.0 to the undersigned a lb. ad but the community, the state, and the iu.u County, Utah 00 or hel.ue union 111 some or peihsps many ways. l)ltJ 5Ul of (.iyi A. D..lJl( What the nation needs at all times is Ualu ,.IM ,d.heotioii Jauuaiy !. v improvement and if we all do our pe-i)H . LVm liiougti Aieku.nnn ilea not help hut improve. Adnniil-n.ru- i lx of the istab1 uf JJei.- Gerald Whittington. 'jamUJ li. jiinugli Harden City, Junior, High School. i' led U. Morgan, attori ey for Administiat ix. Marvel of Domestic Science. A Kansas City girl recently added domestic science to her high school ncivs of good work, and was very boastful of her at- - j For Nile cheny-t)j taimr.ents in that direction, but one r juisui e In ml oloao in, tor morning her coffee was so strong that Im sure I ticiihU's infinite JWui, Jacobsen do one could drink It. don't understand why," she explained. Fund.- pi "I thought that it looked too strong, ro I put it back on the lire and boiled It naif aa hour to get the strength n For T34 of giolfmn out." 3h him oh Also at) acres of farm land anti of meado v in one field. Cheap. WHY WEAK LUNGS? vvabijou to YOU Inis been estimated tliar a man is fn The District Court Of The First v ortli $10, 000 more, based on earning Judicial District Of The State of Utah capacity, after he takes bur years of In And For The County Of Kick. 1, I sh .Farm iiiipleiiutlT. H'Wp.ire, mif Furniture, I shall clover Rich Cv mliy in the interest if he Bepitnii & Cashin Mercantile Co.upan 1 It Sale-40-- imiumnca to you tliut I hands. , ;im j)li) i8icl to of ti.Uing caro of your wints ilurinj; the e 1 ouncement For 1916 & their machines. Prove these facts for your- to he salisfird in the same! old rut, as their parents parents forever. ) Iftliis? were the case, where would there be any improvement? What good would more than tint first generation of PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE men have been? Consult County Clerk or the lleite-tivIt is an old and very true saying Signers for Further Information. that "Education works into its own Mi- Deering and Jenkins Puslirakes also Jen- kins Haystackers, the best on the market. tion and investigato any tion. deafer in ether separators and see if ning. w. Plows, lwaukee Mowers Hay rakes, Binders is surely worthy your special atten- neck This should not be the ease. I think that country childien should not get the idea that they are supposed or of ma- - "I A cream separator with so The ONLY cream separator with a side.' Moline wn settling to bottom. The ONLY cream separator to win a Worlds Record for closest skimming. The ONLY cream separator from whose bowl all the cream can be recovered or flushed. non-rusti- ng j ! -- The ONLY cream separator adapted for thorough mechan- Stick To It thereby ng 1 ;hineryust in, and The ONLY cream separator on which crank may remain when operating by pulley on opposite side. cream The ONLY skims Natures that separator way cream rising to top, skim-mi- lk The ONLY cream separator with a Nickel Silver skimming device. car A1 McCALLS MAGAZINE (PuMisbed Monthly 50c t Yar) The Fashion Authority trmorewomentbftnanyotber magazine. A Pennine help to housekeepers, with its mauy practical departments Homo Dressmaking, Household Discoveries, Cookimr, etc. that lighten housework and save money. Illustrates latest McCall Patterns, celebrated for style, fit, simplicity and economy. Also beautiful $mlnoidcry and Delightful Stories, that make McCAlXS lovod ifi more than one million, two hundred thousand homes, Each subscriber for this Great Pip Four Banrain may chooee McCALLS received, one of the celebrated McCall Dress Patterns, pending a postal card req jest direct to fhe McCall Co., New York, Size desired. This unusual Act Promptly ftuthois ; flu Kdi- - torlals. Needlt- work, and ipocill feituni to SBter- lain III iDiamUy m4 90 u m mnpaamee frota her ftnt MW ef FREE tie), tf jpapar w girinc KsabltaM offer open to old and new essbecrihere Write or Call at This Office Its Too Good to Kim money-savin- g |