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Show t An Independent Newspaper Devoted To The Interests Ot The People Ot Rich County and Lower Bear River Valley Volume 6 Number 47 Randolph, Utah, CORRECTION (Office of N. R. A. District CompliLast week it was stated that Mr. ance Director, 306 Customhouse, San Blaine Marshall won fifth place in Francisco, California.) dairy showmanship in the state club contests at Logan. It was MaurEveryone who receives a large sal- ice Marshall, Blaines brother, who ary is not an executive .within the won this distinction. Also, Mr. Bob meaning of the Retail Code, E. Tilden Wamsley Mid honor to himself, his Mattox, District Compliance Drector, club' and community by winning 2nd explained today. place in the dairy fitting contest at Executives have been exempted Logan. from the maximum houir provisions applicable to employees generally in RICH COUNTY WOMEN ATTEND retail es)ta!blishmeratsl Many people ADULT TRAINING SCHOOL have mistakenly believed that this exemption applies to all employees Mrs. G. N. Weston of Laketown, who receive the salary specified for and Mrs. E. A. McKinnon of Randolph executives in the Retail Code, Mattox Just returned from the Utah State says. This is erroneous, he states, Agricultural College where they atand it should be clearly understood tended a twelve (12) day adult leaders that a person to be considered an ex- training school under the direction of ecutive must be responsible for the the Extension Service. Mrs. N. J. management of a business, or a rec- Hodges and Mrs. Lizzie Frazier, reognized subdivision thereof. ceived their certificate of graduation According to official advices from for having completed, 3 years of work Washington, every person at the head at this adult school, and in honor of of a subdivision of a retail organiza- their service as a community leader tion does not necessarily come under for three years. They will again this classification. He must be re- serve their communities as leader for sponsible, in a supervisory capacity, the next year. and exercise real managerial authority Both Mrs. Weston and Mrs. McKinwith duties and discretion entirely dif non gave a good account of themselvferent from that of normally salaried es while there. 'Mrs. Weston applied employees before he may be allowed her literary ability and with the poto work unlimited hours as an execu- etry given below, gave a picture of Rich Countys adult program and tive. some of its beauties. This poem was It is also pointed out by Mattox given at the annual banquet where it that the proportion of executives to brought laughter and praiseworthy other employees in a particular estab- comments. Mrs. McKinnon sang at lishment is limited by the provisions one of the evening entertainments, where her rendition was received with of the Retail Coda a great deal of appreciation. - - T While part of the school was made C. W. A. PROJECTS ARE up of wholesome recreation and enSTARTED IN RANDOLPH tertainment, by no means was this the major part of the program. From The Civil Works Administration 8:00 oclock in the morning to 5:00 have started projects throughout the o'clock at night they were busy study, county, under the leadership of the ing the art of homemaking. The maW. T. Rex and jor subjects included in this following people: Arch McKinnon, Woodruff; Ray Rees, study course were: Child care years and Laketown; Shirley Nebeker, and Gar- training, time and monev management den City, Victor Satterthwaite. in the home, purchasing practices, These are government projects for home beautification, and home trends the relief of the unemployed. The in our changing conditions. The leadRandolph project is working 15 men ers spent a busy but very enjoyable and 7 teams. There will probably be and satisfactory 12 days. Now that work for more men and team a little they have returned they will act" as later on. community leaders in this work. They were given this training that thev 1 TAXATION REFORM may help solve some of the major LEAGUE STARTED home and community problems and introduce practical methods that the Joseph Hodges of Logan, Utah, was In Randolph last Friday in the inter- homemaker may use to make farm est of a Taxation Reform League. He life a little easier and more enjoyable. appointed leaders in Randolph to talk Feel free to ask them for information up the proposition with the taxpayers. and assistance. Also they will welA State League meeting will be held in Salt Lake December 8 and 9 at the come your suggestions and cooperaCullen Hotel. It would be well to tion. send a delegation from Rich County. You will probably hear more con- RICH COUNTY ADULT PROGRAM In Verse cerning the League in the near future.- Join the League we need taxMrs. G. N. Weston) (By v ation reform. I In the little County of Rich, 1 We are trying to take that proverbial . THUMB SEWED IN MACHINE stitch. Mrs. Lewie Roberts had a very pain- Which, if taken in time, saves nine. ful accident Monday morning, when This stitch we speak of is the childrens hot lunch, she run the sewing machine needle we give parents a nice little Whereby her thumb. She was unable through hunch. to release her thumb and had to wheel the machine through two rooms To care well for their children. where she telephoned for help. Dick While theyre growing up, Roberts and Earl Ooziah rushed dowr Then later theyll pass up the Doctors cup. and realased the injured member and the doctor was called to remove the needle and dress the wound Coke-vill- e Randolph and Woodruff are famous tor beef, Register. Laketown for carrots and cabbage-lea- f Fruits and berries of various kind NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION De- In Garden City we always find. partment of the Interior, General From out of this fine store we all will Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, give. Nov. 11, 1993. NOTICE is hereby So that everyones child shall adegiven that Joseph Fletcher Wilson, of quately live. Randolph, Utah, who, on March 14, In Bear Lake we are now planting fish 1929. made stock raising homestead Miss Miller says (hat makes a nourishentry. No. 047363, for Lots 5, 6, 8, 9, ing dish. 10, 11, 12. Sec 18, Lots 5 & 6 Sec. 19 With milk from the Holstein and JerTwp 9 NortM Range 5 East. SSE sey mixed Sec. 13, NW Jones and the host and hostess. All NE8E Sec. 24 Twp. 10 North ever fixed. Range 5 East. NWViNWVl Section 15, Then If all this enough wont be Township 10 North, Range 6 East, We can still call on the R. F. C. Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice Then since weve had water to squirt of intention to make final Proof, to from a hose. establish claim to the land altove de- Weve dug out the weeds and planted scribed, before the clerk of the disthe rose. trict court at Randolph, Utah, on the Better homes and gardens and paths 19th day of December, 1933. Claimof stones ant names as witnesses; Adolph Lar- Bring out more smiles and . fewer son, Len Bingham, Ray Kennedy, and groans. John Richie, all of Randolph. Utah. From Maycock and Barrows, Brown, GEO. E. WOOLEY, Acting Register. Smith and Jones. Adv. Nov. 17- - 24. Dec. 1933. Then our Childrens made-over- s tis plainly seen. Are cut from the patterns of Ellen SEND YOUR A Agren, SHOE REPAIRING WORK Director Peterson, I have heard, once ' TO said, EVANSTON, WYO. . o You Bear Lake farmers would be money ahead. PRICES REASONABL- Eturn this country1 back to the If youd SATISFACTION Indian red. GUARANTEED ; ; But dont you believe Itl And if you want a thrill. i; Just park your car ' on Garden City Hill. And drink in the beauy till youve had ij your fill. Then go on down to the shores of NBA MEMBER the lake, And fish and swim and a boat-rid- e 4-- H . J I .T- Woodruff Rifle Club Granted Charter WASHINGTON, D. C. The Woodruff Rifle and Pistol Club, Woodruff, Utah, has been granted a charter by the National Rifle Association, according to announcement made today at the headquarters of the association here. The club has a charter membership of 35. The officers of the new club are Arthur Cox, president; Alonzo Francis, Ralp R. Ellis, and J. Vern Hopkins, executive officer. The clulb is one of about 200 active rifle and pistol shooting clubs affiliated with the National Rifle Association. vice-preside- secretary-t- reasurer, 1 Garden City News Messrs. Peterson and Davis of Logan, Utah, are here in the interest of an Ogden commission house, buying a ' car load of turkeys. Bishop Joseph W. Gibbons put on the Logan market one hundred of his A No. 1 turkeys, topping the market in price. William Earley, trucker for the Central Milling Co., passed through town this a. m. enroute to Rock Springs, Wyo., with a load of manufactured wheat products. Ten local men are on make work projects in and around town. Many of the little projects will be an improvement and will benefit our local community. Elders Audton and Earl Shepherd, were .Sunday evening exortors. Many encouraging suggestions were dropped and the people exorted to live their church doctrine. Seth Wright motored to Brigham week-enand brought home his sister, Grace, who is attending high school there. City this d Fred Lutz is home from Salt Lake where he served on the Grand Jury. J. N. Cook "is now serving on the jury in Salt Lake City. Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their second meeting at Mrs. E. M. Pugmires home Saturday, Nov. 25th. Subject treated, Industry Within the The officers are Mrs. Pioneer Home. Alvira Rich, president: Mrs. Rose E. and Lazett Satterthawite. Hodges Mrs. Leon Loveland, ; secretary and Mrs. Julius Wright treasurer. t. 1 METRO STORES TOYLAND READY Mr. L. W. Jones, proprietor of the Metro 5c to $1.00 store, at Evanstoi. Wyo., wishes to announce to the people of Rich County that his 'foyland is now open and suitable gifts for young and old can be found in abundance at, this thoroughly stocked and attractive store. Mr. Jones calls your attention to his Christmas ad. in this issue of the Reaper, and also to follow rap by reading each ad. which will appear in these columns until Christmas. assuring one and all that his staff of courteous clerks will be pleased to have you visit this Santa look and Claus Headquarters, around any time you are In Evanston. Remember a small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. , WNE, SENB, J I GoodYear Shoe Repairing Shop ! take. On the lovely waters of changing hue, Rivaled only by the Mediterraneans blue. Now, ladies and gentlemen, tis sad, but true, Rich County must bid you A FOND ADIEU. I am sure that you will agree that made a creditable showing at this Extension Audit Training School. Rich County leaders MENS ADUIT Training school From Dec. 5 to 15th, two men, Mr. and Glen McKinnon, of Randolph, Mr. Otis Cheney of Laketown will attend an intensive mens leader training school at the U. S. A. C. They will study the care and repair of farm machinery. On their return home t they will act as community leaders. Watch for further details of the program. NOTICE The County Agent will be at Lo- gan from Dec. 5 to 15th at the mens training school and the annual Ex- tension conference. E. L. GUYMON. Agent. County Agricultural $1.50 Per Year In Advance 1933 1, EXTENSION NEWS NOTES N. R. A. News . Friday Ded. THIS AND THAT Laketown News (By DAVE SMITH) The Republican party received such a sound spanking by the people Word was received Thursday by ai Amos B. Robinson that his mother, the last presidential election, it has not been able to recover its shock sufficiently yet to concentrate on another presidential candidate. prosperity But, if they still remain in their coma for another few weeks, while Presi the bal-- , dent Roosevelt inaugurates ance of his recovery measures, tbeir problem will be solved for them. Just a little more time with the proper ene happy couragement and the warrior (Al Smith) will be prepared to accept the task of reorganizing. the old guard on a more promising ba- Mrs. Geo. H. Robinson bad undergone a successful operation at a Salt Lake City hospital. We hope for continued Improvement in her health. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richan are spending a tfew days at Provo, Utah, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Roy Moffat was a week-en- d visitor with her husband at Bishop L. B. Johnsons Bear River ranch. one-tim- Approximately 40 of our townsfolk attended the Bear Lake Stake Conferhave ence at Paris, Idaho last Sunday. The For the past several weeks been seriously pondering as to how weather and road was much more I could ever justify my conscience if pleasant than one year ago. I should cast all discretion to the winds and vote for Roosevelt or any Miss Ruth Cheney spent a week in of his party colleagues while they re- Kemmerer, Wyo., and Salt Lake City, main champions of the Democratic visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Mae party. But now, if the unpresidented Equrhart and Miss Morita Cheney. should happen, and Al should be perMrs. Clifford Henderson has moved suaded to run for President on the Republican ticket, that very aggravat- her family over from Randolph where ing decision would never have to be she spent a month. Clifford was in from Evanston, Wyo., Sunday paying made. In the meantime it is going to be them a visit mighty hard to convince the farriftrs, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kearl, Mr. and who have both their collateral and prices deflated 75 per cent, that it Mrs. Daniel Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. will be any greater calamity to have Humphrey Kearl and Mrs. Lowell W. the dollar arbitrarily inflated, if such Kearl are spending a short vacation in a procedure offers them some relief Salt Lake City. from the back breaking burden of A group of the Bee Hive girls attaxes and debts. The fanner does not seem to be tended the Stake Gold and Green Ball held at Paris, Idaho, Friday, Novem-e- r particular what way relief comes, 24th. whether it be thru inflation or deflation, just so long as it comes. But be Miss Mary Nebeker returned' Sunassured it will take more than the day night from Salt Lake City much propaganda of a reactionary movement to defeat President Roosevelts mone- improved in health since her operade tion. Her brother, Shirley, Jr., brot tary policy to persuade the farmers status her home and will remain over for the is proper prices flationary for them, while taxes, interest, mort- Thanksgiving Day. gages and most every other thing he Wm. Bowen of Logan was a town has to put money out for remains at visitor on Sunday. Miss Oreta Johnthe inflationary peak of 1928-2Of course, if inflation is wrought son, student at the U- - A C., came over with such grave dangers as its op- with him and spent the day with her ponents tell us it is, why not adopt parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Johnson and others. , the more simple and easier method bedes wide the parity of correcting' Miss Thiel Kearl came" up from tween the farmers and other classes day or so to look after in our economic makeup by deflating Ogden for a she reports that her the out money little, place everything the farmer pays father is not as welL for, to the same level to which his Investments and income have been InLeslie Webb has made two trips to flated. For example: Cut taxes 75 Cache Valley exchanging produce. rates, interest mortgages, cent, per utility rates, all government employMr. and Mrs. B. Y. Irwin spent es and everything the farmer puts Sunday at St Charles, Idaho, guests out money for the same proportion. If some imbicile should suggest this of Mr. and Mrs. Raynor Young. as a solution to the fanners ills, 1 Elders W. Smith, Jloge and P. M., am firmly convinced 24 hours would not elapse before they had him in Herbert L. Spencer, of Paris, Idaho, meetthe nut factory for mental treat- were visitors at our Sacrament missionhome as was ing of evening Sunday farmers ment. even If a jury called to pass on his sanity. Yes, it is aries. a selfish old world in which we have Francis W. Lamhorn is taking a few come to pass a few fleeting years; it does not seem to matter to some peo- days off from the forest work to spend at home. ple how much somebody elses ox is Thanksgiving being gored just so long as It is not Mrs. Charles F. Eller Is doing nicetheirs. from her recent operation at the ly humanin inherent Selfishness is Dee hospital to nature there by implanted kind, 1 assist in the gruelling struggle of BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN Good speech! Is mans most impressive acquirement: a poor A birthday party was given In honor haircut will divert the thoughts of a listener from a speakers words to his of V. B. Jackson last Saturday. Games were played and refreshments served. head. A very interesting evening was spent 1 HIVE BEE AND OOUTS ALIMONY & DIVORCE LAWS OF ANY STATE In the Union and MexiThe Randolph Boy Scouts and the co, with plain English explanatory A differBee Hive girls had a very nice party comment and annotations. ent publication for each state. Covers In the Opera House last Tuesday Games and dancing were the marriage, divorce, alimony, legal sepfeatures of the party. A very enjoy-al- e aration, annulment, separate maintenance, custody and support of childevening was spent. 1 ren, etc. Specify state wanted. Price WEDDING BEIXS RING AGAIN $1.00 THE CRIMINAL LAWS OF ANY STATE in plain English with full exWilma Alton Jackson and Miss of Paris, Idaho, will be mar- planation. Eyice $1.00 ried in the Salt Lake Temple .Friday, THE BANKRUPTCY LAWS fully explained; who may become bankrupt, December 1st Alton is a son of Mr. and Mrs. voluntarily, involuntarily. Price $1.00. of Randolph, and MEXICAN DIVORCE LAWS and inRichard Jackson is a very popular formation gratis. Miss Wallintine DELAWARE CHARTERS; safe, young lady of Paris, Idaho. sound, sure; obtained in 24 hours. May their journey through married ANY LAW QUESTION fully answerlife be one of happiness and prosperi- ed ones. by competent, trained lawyers for little ty, and their troubles, only $1.00. LEGAL RESEARCH SOCIETY BIRTHDAY PARTY 1604 Maltman Ave., Los Angeles, Oallf. (Clip this adv., it may come handy A birthday party was given Monday sometimes) WilNovember 20th for Mrs. Elizabeth son In honor of her 69th birthday. 12 members of the family were present, Dont be dependent on year and a very nice time was had by all. I friends for phone service. The Reaper joins with friends and relatives in wishing her many more Install one and say : Hello, happy birthdays. are you neighbor? how 1 Its economy Slate Vet Alike I the home, saves time, pleases Massachusetts and Rhode Itland the other fellow, makes his have voted alike In The last fifteen Presidential elections. phone more valuable to him, 1 and is good company. Large Yew Tree INDE- A yew tree with trunk 22 feet In cirPENDENT TELEPHONE CO. cumference waa moved recently at sis. rf I 9. i n. eve-nirl- Wal-lintin- e, J J safe-guard- s ! UTAH-WYOMIN- Dover, England. G |