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Show Intermountain News Ajcmfo Dominqo i - - U MEN GO BACK TO WORK. LAMB FEEDING PROJECT. AIRMAN IN DEATH FALL. HEAVY SNOWFALL SEEN. LARGE AREA OPEN. jjTTy SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Salt ed by $50,000, when between 250 and 300 men returned to work at the Denver & Rio Grande 'Western Railroad shops. 0 BOISE, IDA. Approximately head of Nevada and 16,000 head of Oregon lambs are on feed in south central Idaho and Boise areas reports the state department of agriculture. Total number of lambs on feed in these two districts is estimated at 11,000. Most of the lambs are fed on a gain basis of 6 to 7 cents per pound, while some lambs from individual owners are on a to 2 cents per spread basis of 1 37,-00- r'rrfrrnTi iftftf ' ''i V ' V nliiWjrf ;;; u'jgjjl ree In Santo Domingo to Which Columbia Moored His Ships. (Prepared by National Geographic Society 000 with which Drake took his leave Service. Washington. D. after hanging a few prominent citizens dark, unmarked Santo by way of valediction. harbor into which Of less stern caliber were the warthree diminutive vessels of the Admiral Penn expedition riors sailed in 1492 soon will be lightwhich In 1655 was sent to the island ed by a new lighthouse, a memorial to the Great Discoverer. Plans have by Cromwell with the object of gaining permanent possession of the colalready been chosen from those submitted by architects representing the ony. Landing on the coast west of Santo Domingo city, the English United States and several countries of forces were met by determined resistEurope. ance in their advance on the capital Although now modernized, Santo and were soon glad to leave Hispaniola Domingo still retains much of its some prestige by seizing and regain Oldest in the early Spanish aspect. the more defenseless colony of New world and First to be estabJamaica. lished by white men in America" are Battle of the Crabs." phrases of inevitable recurrence in to legend, the defenders According any descriptive list of the historic of Santo were aided by Domingo buildings and ruins of this ancient strange allies, and along the beach city. near Jaina the site of the traditional The ministry of foreign affairs and 'battle of crabs is still pointed out other departments of the Dominican The story runs that the invading government occupy the old colonial forces encamped here one night With palace of government a spacious their nerves on edge from constant structure that was venerable long be- ambuscades and attacks, surprise they fore the first buildings rose at Jamesmistook the clattering of the large town. Va. number of land crabs hereabout for Surmounting a bluff which comthe of charging cavalry, and mands the entrance to the inner harthey were soon retreating bor rises the ancient Tower of Homage. Between 1730 and ,1740 the popuUnshaken through the centuries this lation of the capital fell to about five pioneer outpost of New world conhundred, but fifty years later It was quest seems to dream of the golden again riding on one of its high tides age when it guarded the key city of greatness as a Spanish colonial of the empire of Spain in city, only to be overtaken within a America. decade by another period of adverIn the tower is a small barred apersity. ture that sometimes is pointed out Now, after more than four cenas the window of the cell in which turies of varying fortunes and despite Columbus was imprisoned before being siege, earthquake, and tropical hursent back to Spain in chains a state- - ricane, the brave old city stands dement that cannot be true, since Columfiantly at the mouth of the Ozama bus imprisonment took place in 1500. a little bewildered, perhaps, as if unwhen the city was situated on the opdecided whether definitely to capituposite bank of the Ozama river. The late to the march of modern progress same hurricane that destroyed the or wait patiently a little longer for fleet in 1502 so damaged overdue. long galleons the city that it was decided to reIn the last thirty years the capital build it on the higher western side of city has spread far beyond the limits the Ozama. the site it now occupies. of the old town. .House of the Admiral. Ashes of Columbus There. The chief pride of the Dominicans Of the buildings now in ruins one of the most interesting is the castle is their faith that the ashes of Christopher Columbus rest within their of Diego Colon or House of the Admiral. the ancestral home of the cathedral at Santo Domingo. In 1795 Spain, having ceded Santo Domingo Columbus family in America. Its construction was begun in 1509, when to the French, removed what Its off'Diego Columbus, second admiral and icials believed to be the ashes of the son of the discoverer, came to Santo Great Discoverer to Havana. Upon the evacuation of Cuba by Spain In Domingo as governor of the colony. 1898, the Spanish government moved members The house was occupied by of the Columbus family until the death the Havana remains to Seville. Spain. But in 1877, while the Santo Dominof of another Diego, cathedral was being remodeled, go of direct the last the discoverer and another vault containing a leaden line of his male descendants. casket was found. As soon as the Although the House of the Admiral fall Intb ruins, casket surface appeared everything has been allowed to the with its destruction further hastened was sealed, and In the afternoonmempresident and his cabinet, the by the vandalism of treasure-seekerbers of the diplomatic corps, the bishops it historic walls will bear mute testiand Apostolic delegate, and many It former to its magnificence. mony was to this and other pretentious others assembled to witness the completion of the excavation and the mansions of the city that the chronicler Oviedo referred when in a letter opening of the casket Outside and inside were found into the king of Spain he said that his which bear alike the name in scriptions often lodged palaces Royal Highness far inferior to those of Santo Domingo and the titles of Christopher Columand added that he considered the bus. All present, including even the in a notarial city superior to any in Spain in Its Spanish consul, joined affidavit of the circumstances of the location, beauty and arrangement of the vault and casket and Fiftj years after its .founding, opening of their contents. the description of the had apex passed Santo Domingo The late American minister. Thomas iits first glory. Interest In the new C. Dawson, pronounced the evidence r colony was eclipsed by desire for and the late American secrecomplete, meteoric rise and its conquest was almost equaled by the rapidity of tary of state. Philander C. Knox, on its decline. From a goal, Santo his visit to Santo Domingo in 1912, declared that any impartial court Domingo became a base for expediwould sustain the contention that all Pizar-rtions farther .westward. Cortez, is mortal of the Founder of the that a few were Leon Ponce de and only of the gentlemen adventurers who New World rests within the Cathedral sailed .out of the mouth of the Ozama at Santo Domingo. One of the most tragic experiences with their eyes strained for the glitter in the history of Santo Domingo ocof gold on the western horizon. curred in the afternoon of September By 1586 the power of Santo Dominfell 3, ;930, when a hurricane swept over so the waned had that capital go the capital. Outside the walls of the an easy prey to Sir Francis Drake, stricken meth city the devastation was pracextorted ransom by a was and ods smacking of the torture chamber. tically complete; Inside the walls 70 Each day proscribed buildings were per cent of the buildings were damdemolished until about a third of the aged and practically all of the 4,000 city lay in ruins. Then the citizens smaller homes were destroyed. Upwards of two thousand people were managed to scrape together a killed and six thousand were injured. $30,about to present amounting T C.I-W- NU THE - hoof-beat- s pell-mel- far-flun- g home-hiun- d great-grandso- BACK COLDS Briefly Told for Busy Readers Lakes monthly payroll was increas- Remains of a CeiDa and ITSVSl , .& . RELIEVES HEAD, CHEST ' idfriaMSftJS. tvaawg-- n s, fur-Ne- o going-awa- y l. pound. BOISE, IDA. Potatoes and onions are about the only farm produce yet to be moved to market, reports. the state department of agri- culture. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The crushed body of Norman Potter, 36, was found in his shattered United Air Lines airmail plane 14 miles southwest of the Salt Lake City airport. Potter crashed almost within sight of the Salt Lake airport. He was enroute from Oakland, Cal. IDA. POCATELLO, Buying a gun, George Richardson, 50, rail- road mechanic, shot himself in the head at a service station here. He is survived by his widow and three daughters. Want of work is believed to have prompted him to end his life. BOISE, IDA. Reports of the two forests show that there is an average of 20 inches of snow on the Boise timber area and 17 on the Sawtooth, both national forests. Greatest depths on the Boise are 36 inches at Hayfork mine, 24 inches at Kempner ranch and 40 inches on above Atlanta. Bald mountain Greatest measurements on the Payette are 22 inches at Rocky Bar, 18 at Featherville, 16 at Soldier ranger station, and 54 on Atlanta Summit. DRIGGS, IDA. Driggs residents have a coal mine within but a few yards of the town. A dozen men dig it out and take to town for sale at half normal price of coal. A vein has been opened. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. In an attempt to curb the enormous losses through lack of noxious weed and insect control, a list of all noxious weed infested farms in Salt' Lake county is being prepared and next spring quarantine notices will be served on the owners. This quarantine will prohibit the removal of farm products or livestock unless all noxious weeds on these farms are so handled and controlled that no seeds may be distributed to other land areas and such products are officially released from quarantine by inspectors of the state department of agriculture. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Appropriation at this session of Congress for construction of the Moon Lake reclamation project in the Uintah basin is requested in a petition sent to the U. S. reclamation bureau by the Utah Water Storage 20-fo- commission. AMERICAN FORK, UT. Thru the cooperation of the local Lions club and the city fire and streets departments, a community skating rink has been constructed in the city baseball park. EUREKA, UT. Development of a huge tract of mineral ground situated to the west of the Big Hill property in the East Tintic district has been started by the International Smelting company. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Carlot shipments of fruit and vegetables to the Salt Lake market in October totaled 114 cars, 33 cars less than in October, 1930, it is shown by the monthly unload report by Leonard S. Fenn, state federal market news reporter. The report shows that shipments to the local market by truck from outside states during the month were the , equivalent of 34 carloads. The first ST. GEORGE, UT. snow In St. George City in over two years fell here recently when a total inches came of three and one-ha- lf down. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Cos- tumes of the fifteeniji' century will be affected by Salt Lake girl scouts when they go acaroling Christmas Eve. Miss Emily Lynch, locaT scouts' director, states, that the girls 40 of them will wear costumes reminiscent of five centuries ago when they help provide Yuletide cheer at the Salt Lake county general hospital and at other places. Stainless Rub In M and inhalant unsurpassed in preventing and relieving cold congestions: SOLD AT ALL QUALITY McKesson lRobbins SINCE 1833 DRUG STORES - , Biddys Contribution Frank W. Stephens looked askance at the titter from his congregation. Then he saw a hen marching up the aisle of his church in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. Past the pul-iinto the choir loft marched the hen. The congregation sat spellRev. ON OUR 2 DAY VACATION t, bound as the hen laid an egg. Ush-?r- s collected the contribution and ejected the hen. Indianapolis News. Come to Lost Their Catch Two dozen perch had the laugh on a pair of anglers at Seneca lake. New York. As the fishermen caught the fish they put them in a burlap bag hung over the side of the boat. Their only mistake was in failing to notice a large hole in the bottom of the bag, through which their catch disappeared as fast as caught. Salt Lake City on This 2 All Expense Rate DAY -- All Fo Mutual Compliments Did you hear what your friend Edith said about you? Marie No. I was in the other group talking about her. Second day E. Car storage One night Two theatre tickets 6. Two 4. empty-hande- d First day theatre tickets Second day Good Week days Week end Maud Holidays When possible write for advance reservations and mention All Expense plan. Card will be mailed you. Otherwise request card when registering. Cheaper Air-Mind- than staying at home" HOTEL Human minds are like parachutes, says Lord Dewar. They only function when they are open. NEWHOUSE C. W. West Sutton Genl Mgr. Asst Genl Mgr. Salt Lake City, Utah W. E. Flattering Driving 60 miles from home, sleeping in a cornshuck bed, eating strange food and going back next day Is an outing if you call it so. :i$io (One Person $6) accommodations Including room meals, garage, and special entertainment as described below: 1. Front Room with bath One night I. Full course dinner First night t. Breakfast and lunch Seals Bark, Rout Burglars When two men broke into a fish market at Montrose, Scotland, late at night they awakened two captive seals, kept in a tank adjacent to the office. Barking in no uncertain tones, the seals caused the burglars to flee before they could gain entrance to the office. Naturally women like a strong, silent man; they think he is listening to them. DAY Where Women Trip Up The first step in keeping a secret Is keeping secret the fact that you have one. Boston Transcript. Bitter-Swe- et Revenge may be sweet, people who take it are usually soured by it. Old people dont want the trouble of reforming anybody; they only Nothing is so hateful to witness as scold about em. a family row in which you are not Involved. Why does a child disobey? Because he wants his own will like The pure in heart are comparaeverybody else. tively scarce. For winter COLDS When your children have the sniffles from one wintry week to the next, give them Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Doctors say that its rich Vitamin A content wards off colds, increases resistance to illness, promotes growth. And its valuable Vitamin D and mineral salts build strong bones and teeth. Scott's Emulsion is good for adults too; it helps them keep well in winter. Its pleasant flavor makes it easy to take. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Representatives, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. Listen to Scottf9 Emulsion 9s Romances ofths Sea9 every Sunday of f:S0p. m. over Stations KHJ Los Angeles, KOIN Portland, KFRCSan Francisco , KOL Seattle, KVJ Tacoma and KEPY Spokane w is i E si n i 'iff) inMail $$nk Distant Friends are only on the other side of the mail-bo- x Friends far away in miles or years. How theyll welcome a card from you this Christmas! And how youll enjoy sending them cards if you have the leisure to visit mentally with each as you address the envelope. So shop early and mail early and see how much nearer those distant friends seem! Burgoyzie CARDS CHRISTMAS YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM |