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Show ' THE THE RICH COUNTY REAPER Utah, under the Act of Mar. 3, 1879. RICH COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH, UTAH Intermountain News SUBSCRIPTION Per Year in Advance Wm. E. Marshall, Editor and Prop. matter Feb. Entered as second-clas- s 8, 1929, at the post office Randoloh. By Jenten $1.50 ; Briefly Told for Busy Readers LIVESTOCK SHOW LOOMS. MEET AT COEIR dALENE. ROAD WORK AIDS IDLE. LARGE POTATO CROP. Prove Bulls Before Putting Them to Use MTN. HOME, IDA. A dhr load of turkeys shipped from this city weighed 24,000 pounds. It is some considerable degree of satisfaction to us thnt breeders and dairy farmers recognize more and more the value of dairy herd Improvement associations for securing better sires. Breeders who have advanced their herds in production through keeping records and systematic culling do not desire to select a bull that many decrease the production of the herd. This leads them to seek ways and means to prove the bulls before used extensively in their herds. In Iowa we find that the herd improvement association is attempting to prove 1,374 bulls. This activity is named the better sire contest," and 64 associations have entered. It has caused three or four farmers to own a bull together, to build safety bull pens, and provide paddocks where the bulls can exercise so they may be kept in good health. At the proper time awards based on pedigree, type, records of daughters over dams, will be given. This kind of work will help to save the good bull which, up to now, too often has been sent to the butcher before his value was known. Further, If carried out In the proper way It will ultimately eliminate from our breeding cattle the low producing blood and establish characters that will breed true for high production and good type. Hoards Dairyman., Premium list for the thirteenth annual Ogden livestock show, to be held January 8 to 14, 1932, have been mailed to approximately 1500 prospective exhibitors in various sections of the United States and Canada. OGDEN, UT. ultra-viol- ultra-viole- egg-layin- Size of Eggs Can Be Influenced by Feeding Egg size Is Influenced by breeding and also by feeding. It is as natural for some hens to lay large eggs as it Is for some cows to give a heavy flow of milk. It Is Important to select eggs of the desired size when saving for incubation, because the size of egg laid, to some extent, is inherited by the offspring. However, it is possible to Influence the size of eggs to a con- with the Utah state road three projects. OGDEN, UT. The city schools show 11,302 children in Ogden of school age, including 5683 girls and 5619 boys. This is an increase of 114 pupils over last year. siderable extent through proper feeding and a proper supply of minerals necessary for egg shell. A ration of grain alone or even with milk will probably not give best results so far as egg size Is concerned. not less A balanced ration carrying than 3 per cent of bone meal and possibly 1 or 2 per cent calcium carbonate in some form, like crushed limestone or cnlcite, is considered desirable for best eggs. Copies of two cir- culars dealing with reseeding and of range lands and erosion, have been received at the intermountain forest and range experiment station for free distribution. WEST POINT, UT. Forty men and 30 teams recently began work west from the state highway to the West Point store. Ten more men and teams were added later and it is intended that the move aid unemployed as much as possible. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Gen. Winfield Scott was nicknamed Old Fuss and Feathers because of his strict military dis- cipline and his fondness for sonal display. One of the imperative Deeds of the poultry Industry Is to Increase the consumption of eggs, said Reese Ricks of the International Baby Chick association, in addressing the American at ManhatInstitute of tan, Kan. Other foods are giving eggs a battle for a place on the breakfast table, and according to Mr. Hicks, this Is what can be done about it The first step toward increasing egg consumption is for producers to supply high quality eggs. The second step is in standardizing the product so that the public will know what It Is buying. The third step is for cooperatives to join hands with other agencies in the poultry Industry to educate the public as to the value of eggs. Nebraska Farmer. It is BOISE, IDA. .Low bidders oii three highway jobs have been announced by the bureau of highways. One of the projects is for the construction of a bridge over the river north of St. Anthony, at of $24,500. Another project covers the draining and grading of nine and miles of the Owyhee highway from Nampa west, at a cost of $46,405. Ten miles of the north and south highway between Mesa and Fruitvale will be surfaced at a cost of $15,420. one-ha- lf per- Off AA per week will be paid for the best article on "Why you should use Intermountain Similar to made Goods above. Send your story in prose or verse to Intermountain Products Column .P. O. Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If your story appears in this VWvv 50-wo- rd These Brands Are Intermoun tain Made and Deserve Your Support column you will receive check for... gEWiCETjag KupremqJan Insist on Pure Virgin Wool Blankets Made in the Intermountain West 0C 00 VJeW WANTED: Names of Agents to sell Christmas Cards in 1931 through your local printer. Plans for 1931 being made now. Send in your name for details which will make your selling easier without the troubles, mistakes and delays you had in Write eastern factories. representing W. N. U. P O. Box 1545, Salt Lake City. ORIGINAL UTAH WOOLEN MILLS Salt Lake City ON OUR 2 DAY VACATION Mountain Sheep Unique The mountain sheep is the only wild animal having circling horns. Aak Your Druggist For LOTION APEX-K-HAN- D AN INTESMOUNTAIN PRODUCT GRAINS OF GOLD THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL Makes Cream Taste Better Western Made For Western Trade Ask Yonr Grocer PERSONS --All For DAYS Plan .Now to Increase Production of Eggs reported that Wasatch county has been added to the list of Utah districts to receive feed loans from the federal government to aid in carrying stock over during the coming winter. A net profit of $27.58 an acre was earned last year by Charles Green of Monrovia. Total expenses to the acre LEHI, UT. The Lehi, Fairview for his years operations amounted and Cedar Fort districts school census reveals an enrollment deto $10.69. Money received grossed crease of 5.2 per cent while the $38.27 an acre. The difference of $27.58 was left to pay for Mr. Greens work, gain in school population was 3.6 and interest on the investment, which per cent, officials state. The population this year was 1166, with 623 is a good record for a tough year. Of the 80 acres Mr. Green farms, 27 acres I boys and 543 girls as compared with last years 1128. are in alfalfa, with small amounts of other legumes. Sweet clover Is used SHOSHONE, IDA. Members of tor pasture. Here is a dairyman who the community relief organizations produces quality cream that is sold report supplies are being gathered on a steady price basis, and all of his at a downtown storehouse. All civcrops are fed to his herd of nine Jeric groups including the council sey cows, some chickens, hogs and and the Lincoln county commission sheep. Kansas Farmer. are supporting this central relief agency as the best means of aiding needy families. Supplies will be given primarily to those around A successful sailor studies his comShoshone, North Shoshone and to Dietrich residents, as Richfield has pass and a successful farmer studies market conditions. ' a relief organization. RICHFIELD, UT. A petition to At present prices for corn and tankthe United States forest service, 25 is skimmilk about worth cents' signed age, by Wayne county residents, a 100 pounds, to feed hogs. asking construction of a 75 mile road from Boulder to Escalante is Ordinarily the meat from hogs six indorsed by the Richfield Lions to twelve months old will combine the club. Transportation between the most desirable features of weight, two places now is carried on by yield and eating quality. means of pack horses and mules. et Derisive Nickname Heres a reflection In words, for inspection, If you want the best, For what you invest, A-Buy local products of l selection. Your money stays home, Just trust fate for the rest. ultra-viol- The beet harvest to relieve unemploycommission, ment is under way in full force on , g ultra-viol- PROVO, UT. Road improvement work in Utah county, which is being carried on by the county in Need for Deep Plowing Vine-lan- d g egg-layin- TWIN FALLS, IDA. Aaron Wilson, 14, son of Mrs. M. Wilson of Burley, was killed when he climbed a power transmission pole at Hey-bur- n and came in contact with high voltage wires. OGDEN, UT. et et ests. e Made $27.58 an Acre! ulated about the value of winter shine in egg production that It cannot be ignored by poultry raisers who want to get profitable results. It has been shown that rays are a powerful factor in increasing egg production, hatchability and fertility, as well as in maintaining healthful conditions. Ultra-violrays promote bone and body growth, and building vitamin D. During the winter months, when poultry is confined, ordinary glass and soiled cloth curtains bar them out and some means must be employed to make them available. You need good housing and good management to get best results. Published data by such representative bodies as Wisconsin experiment station, University of Arkansas; Ohio experiment station and others have t shown the effect of rays Records at months. the winter during contests (notably the contest) also give practical proof of the value of rays. Poultry needs winter sunshine. radiation Layers must get or its equivalent. This Is also true of chicks. The wise poultry raiser will make sure his house is properly constructed this winter and next spring. Ohio Farmer. reached 4346 tons for this district according to figures reported by a representative of the sugar inter- Many heifers that have been well fed fail to make proper size at maturity because they have been bred at too early an age. Not only is size lost by this practice but ability to produce milk as well. The heavier the breed the more is the time required for development before the animal is bred. Holsteins, for instance, may be bred at the age of eighteen months depending on to twenty-ontheir development. Ayrshires at eighteen to twenty months and Jerseys at fifteen to seventeen months. This Is a general rule. The best breeders may prefer to hold their heifers a little longer. One of the greatest Ayrshire breeders once said that the best heifers lie ever owned were not bred till twenty-on- e months, and he considered this quite early enough. In altogether too many cases the lighter breeds come in at twenty months and the heavier breeds at twenty-fou- r months. Lets get away from it, folks. Now is the time to stay together, to help our neighbor and thereby help ourselves. Lets boost for Intermountain Made Goods. MRS. EDMUND L. SMITH, Milford, Utah sun- fixing equitable charges in Idaho has been announced by the public utilities commission. A valuation hearing was set for Coeur dAlene on January 26 on the Washington Water Power company for ratemaking purposes. The commission will examine the reasonableness of rate, service and other factors of operation. BOISE, IDA. The potato crop harvest in Idaho is estimated at 24.700.000 bushels compared with 26- 910.000 bushels for last year. The report places the yield as higher than was expected a short time before its release. The quality of the crop is given at 53 per cent or the lowest on record. This condiiton is attributed to the extreme heat of the summer. Early Breeding Sure to Hold Back Development ter. So much evidence has been accum- BOISE, IDA. The third of what may prove to be a series of public utility valuation hearings aimed at MORGAN, UT. Rays Needed by Flock. Ultra-Viol- et , Far off fields are green, sighed the donkey, gazing across the impassable river toward the inviting emerald sward on the other side. And, consumed by his desire, he starved to death cmid the plenty of his own pasture. Many of the dwellers in our Intermountain region are almost as foolish as that donkey. Surrounded by the best to be had both in a market for goods and in a place to buy, they strain their eyes afar in search of something bet- WINTER SUNSHINE GOOD FOR POULTRY LAD ELECTROCUTED. Only Method of Assuring : Herd Improvement. Land can' be made rich in the plowed soil by the addition of manure and green Immature clovers plowed under, or' by plowing under any of the peas and beans; but land can be made rich with manure and these crops, only as deep as they are plowed under. When the surface soil is made rich, the roots of plants form largely In the plowed or surface soil and roots are shallow and weak. When roots are shallow and weak the crops are likely to suffer from drought when the surface soil becomes dry. and the crop Is reduced in size and quality, because full maturity Is not reached. Legume crops grown and removed from the land are likely to leave the soil poorer than before they were grown, except for a slight temporary stimulation. THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY Sally Sez MOTOR OIL Free From Carbon Zoos Treasure The London, zoo has one of the worlds rarets birds a South American hoatzin, which has two sharp claws on its wings. CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS Electrical Products Corporation Main 104 6 So. Salt Lake City (One Person $6) accommodations Including room meals, garage, and special entertainment aa described below: 1. Front Boom with bath One night 2. Full course dinner First night 2. Breakfast and lunch Second day 4. Car storage One night 5. Two theatre tickets First day 6. Two theatre tickets Second day Good Week days Week end Holidays When possible write for advance reservations and mention All Expense plan. Card will be mailed you. Otherwise request card when registering. Western Made for Western Maid Cheaper than staying at home Alwaya ask yonr dealer for HftTPI Intermountain Made Brooms NEWHOUSE By Name Blue Ribbon Gold Black Beauty Crown E. Sutton C. W. West Genl Mgr. Asst Genl Mgr. Salt Lake City, Utah W. Poultry Facts Oat hulls are not harmful to chicks if ground fine enough. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY , Among the Incurable poultry diseases are chronic coccidiosis, tuberculosis, bacillary white diarrhea, fowl cholera, fowl typhoid and blackhead. Serious cases of chicken pox and roup might also be included . The poultrymans asset biggest right now is the flock of new pullets that are being developed for next win-- , ters laying flock, and whatever he can do to protect that flock so these birds will continue to lay, worth real money to him. Culling a flock Is one of the Important things which la most commonly neglected. There is also a neglect to chickens. procure and keep pure-breVermin are commonly found In poultry houses. Agricultural Notes We have in this vicinity : 3 Brand New Electric Refrigerators WORLDS LEADING MAKE Rather than reship to Salt Lake will sell them AT BIG REDUCTION . I EASY TERMS WRITE BOX 1595, SALT LAKE AMBASSADOR HOTEL Just step from the business ' center. Quiet and Homelike. Popular priced meals. d Several poultry diseases are quite similar in many external symptoms. One or two additional symptoms usually, to the experienced, determine the accuracy of. the superficial diagno sis. Post mortems prove the super flcial diagnosis and therein lies ex perienee. City-w- Kates 11.50 and up. Commercial Bates Service Garage In Connection. 145 So. 5th JOE H. PEPPER, Manager i East Phone Was. 3965 Salt Lake City, Utah Salt Lakes Only Family Hotel vr J j |