Show DOUR bouli FOOD AND YOUR YOUK TEETH by betty barclay comparatively few people reallie realia L that the foods they cat and drink or perhaps tail to rat eat and drink favl to do with the cou con altum altion ol of thelt theli teeth A 11 couple of generations ago the tooth brush was practically were low lew aud and far between yet most 0 of us ua can remember member rc a grand parent or a great uncle who had a wonderful set of teeth at an advanced age those of us who remember this otten wonder why it Is that our children have to visit a dentist at such an early age probably one reason for early barly tooth decay Is the fact that we do not call upon our teeth to do the work vork that grandfathers teeth were obliged to do grandfather ate heavy coarse foods that required d a great deal ot chowing chewing exercise has the saine bame er feet upon teeth aud and gunis gums as it has upon any other portion of the body without realizing it grandfather was nw keeping his boeth in rood good condition by plain old fashioned cli chewing ewing of 0 food recent scientific research search le howe however vei has taught us that tooth decay la a closely tied up with a lack of vitamin 0 J it our feol dr milton T hanke of the university of chicago conducted experiments which showed the average american diet to be largely deficient lit in this vitamin even the file diet of the wealthy usually does doas not contain of this element for proper nutrition the reason for tills this according to dr blanke Is that this particular vitan vitamin though found in a number of fresh fruits and vegetables Js Is very unstable and easily destroyed by cook trig it appears that the body can not stora this thia vitamin for any length of time and needs a new nev supply every day by drinking one pint of orange juice dally daily with the juice of a lemon added it is possible to twins bring about a marked improvement in unhealthy gum tissue and to arrest and hinder tooth decay improvement Is also shown in the general health and bodily condition of those who take this treatment both orane orange and lemon juice by the way contain liberal quantities of vitamin C going back once more to grandfathers day dav one can easily see it a reason reason other than tooth exercise for grandfathers good teeth lie ile apples plums pl irnis pears and peaches as he be walked through his orchard lie ile ate liberal quantities of green vege nl sarden garden without know ing a thing about vitamins his food probably contained more vitamin C than the food of most of us ua today the popular habit of drinking a glass elass of orange oran sri juice for breakfast will be a very valuable factor in the preservation of the nations teeth tills this habit should be oho ofie enjoyed by children as well as by adults in addition it if a liberal portion of salad sala d I 1 li served once a day dud and also a fruit cup containing orangey and lemons it Is more than probable pro buble that the necessary amount of vitamin 0 will be secured those who persist in depending upon foods which do not contain C in liberal quantities may just ass ab well set aside a colemn in their budget for dental work and feel quilis confident that they will spend more for this than their brothers brot lieis and sisters who strengthen their teeth with this surprisingly beneficial little vitamin |