Show the red r 7 white store SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY PEC DEC 27 red cr white raisins seeded or seedless 3 ps currants fancy cleaned 2 aks oranges size I 1 dozen purity flour 48 lb ib bag SPECIAL ECIAL 51 FOR SATURDAY ONLY j the first national bank evanston wyoming welcomes your business more than 55 years of continued service to this community groceries es vegetables staple and fruits in fancy r season MEATS fresh and cured we carry a full line of school supplies pencils pens ink ft WILSON BROTHERS meat market and general store A good place to trade 4 fo RANDOLPH GARAGE randolph utah all ail kinds of automobile preparing Re paring and accessories electrical supplies and house wiring all work done reasonable prices 0 4 YOUR ATTENTION IONI LEWIS LONGHURST did you ever go back to the stone age in thought if so that enough notary public to discourse di scourge yon from wonting to go babkin appearance adix months growth LICENSED CENSED abstractor of unk ept hair will put you there come regularly for your of rich county utah rial work to DAVE SMITH is A specialty of making deeds and titles BARBER SHOP SHO WW W f i i FOR SALE one R C A corn com ion radio and phonograph less than a year old that cost coat 00 with a brand new extra power tube and some fine records will sell for spot cash Inqui reat reaper office T tn N OT 0 TI I 1 C CE E g we would like all those who art are taking the tribune by the month to call and settle up their accounts it will be impossible for us mg to let paper run amr after the subscription expires W E MARSHALL agent FOR SALE twenty one head bead 0 0 registered holshin ca cattle atle inquire of roy paid evanston wyo f NOTICE all nationalities we know ri re race creed or color women men who are arc desirous of preparing for the detective profess lo communicate with scotland yard detective bureau corman bidd GO division st albany N Y T www ww 4 II 11 rich co furn burn co the home of star brand shoes moores moored and altona heaters monarch ranges f armstrongs rugs and linoleum stetson hats caps and aind gloves ball brand rubber footwear why not do your trading where you get the best if you want the most for your money let us serve you our prices are reasonable for quality merchandise v u the best place Trade to sops S Is places best place in town hotel confectionery vau tall kinds of xmas card and fancy candies I 1 RADIOS atwater kents crosleysr Cro bosch phone aphone caso 0 8 for free demonstration |