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Show ' '', iw .t- Published UTAH That proposed Copper merger seems well lined with gold. cant Warships dont a ay in fashion any longer than womens nats. turning to higher things cost of living in particular. A spring without spring roets would be a delightful but impossible season. " Have you ascertained the truth of the statement that kissing Is danger ous? The price of beef appears to have fallen into its same old bad habit of going up. All those explanations about the cause for high prices do not seem to lower them any. It takes more than a fire to break up a bridge whist party when the ladles get fairly started. . Detroit man has eloped with hts wifes mother. He will find this Is no mother-in-la- joke,- - One trust after another Is making the discovery that the laws of the United States must be obeyed. Let the aviators who talk of the heights to which they have soared look at the price of hogs and be silent We begin to suspect that the ground hog stayed out to see the comet and not because he thought spring had come. . f The rush of Americans to European resorts may be due partly to the number of grand Juries which are probing. How would you like to be a poor, farmer with nothing hut a few droves of higs to sell at down-trodde- n record-breakin- g prices! Senor Pedro Calarenaa, the richest man in Mexico, Is also trying to die poor. He gives away more than a million dollars a year. Belgium's new king Is an enthusiastic collector of stamps. This Is less expensive than the fads of his predecessor on the throne. Uncle Sam has a new gun with a bore 16 Inches In diameter. As it jars the earth six miles away It cannot he called a concealed weapon. Thirty-twpancakes at one sitting! That Des Moines story sounds like that of the man who ate flannel cakes o and woke up to find half the blanket gone. ' This year all spring poets will be forgiven; for the winter has been such as to almost justify an exuberant outbreak Into song or the semblance thereof once it Is over. f There is nothing the matter with New York's subway except that it 4s overcrowded. Its tubes will also become congested. It is a town that always outgrows public conveniences. ; The decision of the appellate division that a divorced man need not pay Alimony to a former wife when she marries again should strike the second husband favorably In his self-respe- The plan of the California superintendent of education to require less at their work for Bcbool children homes does not, of course, apply to doing the chores and keeping the back yard clean. . .A New Jersey man threatened his wife with divorce hecausq she joined the boycott .and would not give him meat The beef magnates should make some substantial recognition of so determined a stand In their interests. - .People who have received with ab- solute Indifference reports that ten, counterfeit bills twenty or were in circulation are now seriously disturbed. A counterfeit fl silver certificate of good workmanship has been flfty-dolla- r discovered. One of the many causes contributing to the panic of 1907 was the slump in copper due to the decline in demand. Now the market reports show a large gain in copper sales, with the consumption for January pounds In excess of production for that month. The growing use of copper means Increased activity In various branches of industry and hence shows that business continues on the up grade. When colored eggs are In vogue we can expect the turkey to lay black ones at Thanksgiving time, tokens of mourning for departed sisters. made a big record last Immigrati year and the Indications are that this years figures will be even larger. And with such an inpouring greater becomes the necessity for a careful examination at all ports of entry. Government officials must be compelled to do their work thoroughly and see that no undesirables from any foreign land are allowed to land. ' TROUBLES ,f ,, KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten Yean Relieved in Three Months Thanks to PE-RU-N- 4 Rev. Dr. Charles '.Townsend Orange was one of the speakers at the Park Presbyterian Church Mens dub banquet last week, and told this story of one of the troubles of the original . All are higher ADAMS of the shape of pork. the OF t Corn may be king, but he comes In It is a cold day when a packer draw a first page head. pvtittriA Incident in the Gardenof Eden That Must Be Taken for What It Is Worth. Weekly. RANDOLPH - ONE MINISTER CALHOUN SAILS FOR HIS HOST IN CHINA The Rich County News e t Tf 1Sh.ifrW3fe .wkv vv ifr- - ilk . ancestor: Adam had eaten the elaborate reby his helpmeet with every Indication that he relished each morsel. He complimented her upon the daint manner In which the were served, the flavor of the puree of pea, the seasoning of the fish and entree, and finally reached a delicious salad. Adam paused, and with a worried look on his face he de- C. B. FIZER, Mt. Sterling, Ky ., says : manded of Eve where she found the have Buffered with kidney and' She enumerated all ex- bladder trouble tor ten years past Ingredients. Last March I commenced using; cept the lettuce. FRANCISCO. William J. Calhoun, the American minister to China, and Mrs. Calhoun have Just sailed Where did you get those leaves T Peruna and continued for three months., I have not used it since, nor have I felt SAN Peking from this port on the steamship Mongolian. The building in the American compound at Peking he demanded. will be occupied by Mr. and tylrs. Calhoun la the the new modern structures erected - in pain. 'Why, they were lying on a bush that city by the United States four years ago. Other buildings In the compound are Individual residences In the back yard, she replied, sweetly. tor the first and second secretaries, the office of the legation, residences of the Chinese secretaries and InterWell, those were my best Sunday concrete wall. preters and a marine hospital. The grounds are Inclosed by a trousers, sobbed Adam, adding, .Ah, woe is man, which was corrupted into ances, such as electricity, we may woman, the term by which we know Cot out cadiulici ud Newark Star. safely say that the London tempera- Eves daughters. hanh uUMOOHOr. ture Is Increasing at the rate of not ' CARTERS In the Gloaming. less than one degree Fahrenheit every UVER PILLS You were a long time getting me, century, which will bring us to th PuriJy Testable. dear! John," a twill y on Sm tint, perhaps little This steady revolution of certain Egyptian temperature dlHOtt. bik, u And you were a long time waiting, Scientist Tells of Changes from sooner than I stated In, say, about noth, the drkrali parts of the earth froc hot to cold The Circle. pet! aunbraneaf years. and from cold to hot used to be con- 3,000 Tropical to Arctic. oi thebowd. Recent research has shown that the Cm Cm- sidered accomplished once every DAVIS PAINKJI.I.ER effect of the gulf stream In bringing bourn be taken sore without when chest ai! delay recent but show researches years, KSw tickliDg throat warn you that an annoying cold warmth to this country is much less threatens. At all druggists n 25c. 35c and 50c bottles. Gradually Changing and In Years to that the complete change takes 31,000 than supposed. lick HeWeche ul hlfiiiii, a millim know. as it Spreading, does, Come Will Be Like That of Egypt years to accomplish, so that we may when It leaves the coast of Newfound One woman can stir up more trouSmall Pill. Small Dote, Small Pricw estimate that It will take London anReason Found In Precession Its temperature drops consider- ble than a dozen mere men. GENUINE must bear tignature: land, other 4,000 to 6,000 years to rtfitb the of Equinoxes. and In summer time cannot be causes and seriously aggravates climate of Egypt, to which It ts slow- ably, Constipation said to have any influence in increased many diseases. It is thoroughly cured by I)r. d Pierce's Pellets. Tiny granules. London. We read the records Im- ly approaching. warmth to England at all. In support of this theory It la curiIt Is rather to a drift of warm suprinted on the earths crust of the to never It's break easier away than it is DEFIANCE STARCH to tbe stick London Basin beneath our feet, ous to note the mean average tempera- perficial water, called the North At- to lruiw back. get we find some 26.000 years ago. In the ture of London has been slowly rising lantic drift, that the comparative mildLonness of thip country is due. But all age of the sand, gravel and clay de- during the last century, so that don of the present day Is over 1M deas a same climate about the posits, evidence, geographical, meteorological Fahrenheit warmer than It was and astronomical, Egypt. Inhabited by all kinds of trop- grees points to the fact 100 years ago. ical plants (palms, cocoanut trees) that England and London are slowly The tton.tch it larger (actor in life liberty and the pur-au- it Severe cold Is becoming a thing of and animals. Including (a fact which getting near to a warmer climate. ol happiness than most people are aware. Patriotism may appeal to our epicurean aider-men- ) the past. Snow Is now a comparative can withstand hunger but not dyspegns- - The confirmed dys Stomach Is Junk Shop. some ten different kinds of tur- rarity. The The man peptic is fit for treason, stratagepr end spoils. Effingham, 111. In an operation perones winters, with snowed up stage coachand short-nosetles, who goes to the front for his country with a weak stomach-wil- l 'idS formed on William Barrows, an enbe a weak soldier and a faint finder. (Chelonia longicepa and Brachlceps). es, the Thames frozen over, an roasted whole and skaters on all the gineer on the Indianapolis Southern, A sound stomach makes fqr good citizensnip as well as Then, as the ages rolled on, the cliand happiness. ponds are only to be seen on Christ- at SL Anthonys hospital, in this city, mate changed from that of Diseases of the stomapif and other organs of digestion and mas cards. a broken needle one-hainch long heat to cold, from that nutrition are promptly And permanently cured by tbe use of The last severe winter that I can and two chunks of paraffin almost the of Egypt to that of Iceland. And that a was a when of of size hens found in that were. his boy, egg remember, waa 6,000 years before Adam's time. Dr. PIERCES GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERT. 1867, when a number of people lost abdomen. Mr. Barrows was operated builds up tbs body with sound ttesb and It Gradually then the climate began their lives In breaking on at ice for the appendicitis Chicago three through I aolld to get warmer. We find. In the Pleis- in Regent's park. years ago and since then has been tocene period, together with flint for the Discovery fe The dealerArho offers a substitute Allowing, of course, for a certain continually troubled with a peculiar realized on th more the little knives, hatchets and implements amount of Increased heat make to profit only seeking his in with the result that side, through a pain ' "' sale of less meritorious preparations. (signs of existence of man), bones of larger population, with its concomitant the second operation was performed lb, Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is tent fret elephants, rhinoceroses, and hippopot- Increase in fires and heating appli here. on tmeipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only, bend ami, and Also glacial drifts and Nor21me-cestamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps . folk' bouldjers. fir the eloth bound. Address Worlds Dispensery Medical - At the pReaent day the average mean 5'Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. temperature of London Is 60 degrees Fahrenheit whereas the geology of the Thames valley shows us that it from cultivation was greater Bakes-Roasts-Broils-- Toasts has fluctuated In times gone by from 12,000,000 Acres Open for Settlement resulting (2,629,832 In the year 1908-- than by in Victoria 70 degrees to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, Irrigation Rapidly In the previous year, the increase beor 30 degrees from one to the other. Growing. ing principally due to the improved The reason for this astonishing BAKES bread, pie and cake wheat yield. to Melbourne, Victoria. According state of .things Is to be found in what bakes them perfectly all through, The total Vicvalue In of imports is called the precession of the equi- the statistics Issued by the govern- toria from and browns them appetizingly. other states first the during the of area ment the total statistician, noxes. ROASTS nine months beef, poultry and game of the to amounted year This Is that peculiarity In the state of Victoria la 56,426,760 acres, of with a steady beat, which pre6,765,939. This was made up of held which priacres are 27,953,071 movement of our globe whereby evserves the rich natural flavor. forests, Australian produce to the value of ery part of the earth's surface Is sub- vately. After excluding state area BROILS 6,049,858 and steaks and chops makes of of goods from overroads, etc., the ject to slow but continuous alteration reserves, them seas tender and inviting. valued at 716,081. la crown selection lands available for of position In relation to the heat of the Australian produce ImAmong TOASTS 6,412,500 bread, muffins, crack 12,47.010 acres, including the sun (owing to the atttraction of era and cheese. into this state were: Horses, the sun and the moon upon the earth's acres of mallee land, held mainly on ported cattle and sheep. 923,721; butter, annual grazing licenses. protuberance at the equator). No drudgery, of coal 127,339; coal, to 415,204; wheat and Forty-nin- e had up properties Theoretically speaking, the line of flour, 73,201; 53.075; leather, ashes; no stooping to get the equator la supposed to mark the June last been acquired by the closer wool. 1,023,043. and hides. 240,-00378,229. of an area with board settlement the oven; no smoke, no line of the greatest heat, the effect of The exports from Victoria to other acres, at a cost of 1,656,172, or the Bolar rays being greatest where no odor just good cooking' 6 18a 6d per acre. states amounted to an average of 8,440,467 during they, fall (or impinge) on earth perwith greater fuel the nine first of The months land and the settled year, represents already pendicularly. Irons and water in wash-boi- ler But as a matter of fact, the lines of provision for 1,792 families, the aver- included Australian produce to the heat are slowly but steadily changing age area of the allotments being 109 value of 2,153,287. always hot. The (entirely outside of all such considera- acres. The area Irrigated last year was EGGS WIN WOMAN A DIVORCE tions as altitude, geographical position, set proximity, winds, etc.), because 233,012 acres, or more than double the the earth's pole does not move per- area irrigated during the previous Indiana Doctor Writes Many InscripOf this average 47 per cent year. tions on Hen Fruit and Wife pendicularly to Its path (the was to pastures, 23 per cent devoted 8ecurea Alimony. but round tilted the at sun, ecliptic) an angle which decreases and In- to cereals. 14 per cent to lucerne, and Cook-stovseven per cent to vineyards, orchards creases during certain fixed periods. Princeton, Ind. In the circuit court In other words, climate or differences and gardens. here Judge Clements awarded Mrs. has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot.. The land under cultivation. Includ- Bertha Stewart a divorce from her between hot and cold weather depends acres in was land VV. Dr. Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks on 2,925,416 of the fallow, the H. suns husband. ing slope and primarily Stewart, , , 1906-71908-9In In acres and for to 1500 4,496,183 the earth (climate, from the attorney fees. The verdict enamel chimneys. The nickel finish rays It hafi long turquoise-blu- e Greek Klino: I bend, I Incline), which showing an Increase of 1,570,767 acres marked tbiT close of a sensational of the blue makes the stove very attracwith the chimnfiys, bright case.- It itself sloped at an angle to the line In 13 years. f.jp tive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the The value of Victorian production of its path round the sun. Offered afan exhibit during the 2 and stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. trial were four eggs, bearing penciled Be tare ;n frt (hll stave tee that the uiH-pU- lt son: camoiUlT readi KEW FIXFECTIOlt.- -' all of which Mrs. Stewart legends, If net dealer at for write Every everywhere ; your, Deacrlptjve Circular and counsel interpreted as meaning to the nearcat agency of the small threats, of dubious character One of the eggs bore the words: "I Oil am Mrs. Stewarts boss; whose boss . . f T (Incorporated) Slavs Win Distinction as Greatest Returns received by the department are you!" The other inscriptions were Cereal Producers with 783,000,000 of agriculture from a dozen countries of a similar petty character, it was Bushels Crop. which In the preceding year produced said. Witnesses testified to the findt s over of the world's ing of the eggs In the nests of the Washington. The United States has wheat crop, exclusive of the midsea-so- n hens about the Stewart place. lost Its place as the great wheat proMrs. Stewart, on the stand In her crops of India and the southern ducing country In the world, and hemisphere, Ehow in the aggregate a own behalf, declared that she almost Russia has won that distinction. Even net gain in 1909 of 387,000,000 bushels, daily discovered scraps of paper unthough last year the total yield of or nearly 18 per cent, over the yield of der the pillow's. In the cupboard wheat In the United Spates was next the same countries In 1908. This would shelves. In nooks at the barn and to the largest in the history of Amer- Indicate that the world's pro- smokehouse and always In the most ican agriculture, the crop of 1901 only duction last year was approximately unusual places. She also said that We have just issued a book about house decoration. May we-senhaving exceeded It, Russia last year 2,150,000,000 bushels. All but three of her husband had not confined his al? free a you copy harvest inthe the countries heard from report an remarkably large produced leged persecutions to the writing of It tells how to produce those beautiful walls, now seen in all the of 783,000,000 busheis, which consti- crease. Those with short crops are covert messages, but that he had tortutes the largest crop eyer harvested Germany, Hungary and mented her In many other little mean finest of homes and hotels. It suggests color schemes offers a wealth of ideas. And it tells-whaby any country, and 26,000,000 bush-el- s ways, with similar probable Intent The condition In which the new has brought alabastine into universal vogue. greater than that of the United States. crops entered winter la satisfactory, Pigeons Attend Funeral. Pa. The The great yield of Russia for 1909, except In Great Britain and Russia. Allentown, question ' as shown by the revised official re- An official crop report from Russia whether birds mourn for their masters turns received by the United States de- rates the crops as "below average In and friends is being discussed pro partment of agriculture, exceeds by provinces that contain 53 per cent of and con here. The Sanitary WiU Coating When the body of Allen F. Seip, s more than 100,000.000 bushels the pre- the rye acreage and 41 per cent of the noted pigeon fancier, was being lowvious record of Russia. ' Only twice area of winter wheat Alabastine is the only wall coating that Know the Please know the reason. ered to the grave the other day his has the wheat production of Russia doesn't breed germs. It has been so for endless color schemes you can get from it. Albany, N. Y. Reports received by large (lock of pigeons flew over the surpassed that of the United States, Know hour easily you can apply it, even- the first in 1904, when the crop here the state forest fish and game com- cemetery and settled down in the vi- 30 Inyears. the past few years it has become the on papered walls, sethe of has winter been h show the mission grave. cinity was a partial failure. About Fashion now demands it. People never You L'1 never Dse wall paper rage. Some people declare it a mere coin- of taste of the Russian wheat crop la vere on the young deer in the woods both rich and poor now have use kals0'11 after you know the of this state. Many have died of cold cidence, while others believe the birds, alabastined walls. facts. exported. Rye was grown on 72,000,000 acres and starvation. Snows this season with really human emotion, came to Adiron-dacks pay their last respects to their dead ih Russia last year. Rye la the chief were heavier in parts of the master. than In years. dread grain of Russia. past furnished blue-poin- ts largetf Dont Persecute your Bowels CLIMATE OF LONDON 26,-00- sugar-coate- d Patriotism long-nose- d lf semi-arcti- c bom. nt Vacant Land in Australia 9 and at. dust, economy Bereetion WICKBLUnFLAM Oil Big Russian Wheat Yield Continental e Companv four-fifth- A' Free Book About Beautiful Walls d Bosnia-Herze-govnl- t one-faurt- i Alabastine Go., Grand Kapids Mich. |