Show round valley mor bill 1910 tile kolief society hold a grand supper arid and sociable on the lath supper and ice cream vas served ed enill to allover over 10 40 while all under u nil or 10 und and over avol IS 18 were served with lea ice olea in and alla phonic A pr orani m ot of so songs tip anil and speeches us its well as duncin dancing tind othor other vis had al mr r IV william m karloy earley and w wiert I 1 fil in n company with lils his ly man expect to leave here to make V their homo home in canada sone somo time about tho first of april artl nir mr ulpain loftus has moved liis his house from tho the avest side of tha valley rebuilt utis burcl T ll TC h rop I 1 n 0 tl P I 1 n lias lato lit it fon fri fc th tho 0 1 mj i ilist by bros boyi and john ba lauifi laii av lilich fi cha completed u J now D 13 w oarn barn tire new frame store of arico and and asten is n coin ion they expert it a grocery business ss lilois w wiach A I 1 ali th their air Mail cot s 1 tin till stork loft left it i irl atilt ut ali houn home of john loiue on 1111 ahk t luh u sho she was ti it wel conlo the second girl in ind it faroli farn ilyo io 11 children cli ildron arid and 14 years to since the alie first girl was io hum t r the round nouna valloy valley und and lieue y t town school boys engaged en lloyd lly yd alti a 11 nine of ball on oil tile 1 lOth t 1 t tho azore bah 0 to 19 49 in ili f favor lv or i of f round valley S iv me of 0 tho the pop at p regent I 1 ii i i f |