Show THIRD WARD HOLDS ANNUAL REUNION ahe lid hd waid deunion pio ld d A I 1 big affail the chapel NN was a well ell filled the pio giani goold the refreshments dainta and toothsome it was mas a social gi kien gien en by the bishopric bisho nf if the but 1 was as not I 1 esti let d to chuich chui ell ili ill bers quite a i of non mem hers pie ent anil and in the in ili fact it was as ci a gm t ac quaint td cd pull together toge neith boil gat gathering heiing heie one and all could enjo s tonethea tone hattei tilt the and refreshments at the chapli cli apt all went down own to ti the beautiful anona in theiu hei e old and N oung mingled linn Kled to zethel and d the fantastic until the midnight hout houi |