Show WINTER SHELTER FOR SHEEP wise shepherd will see that arrange ments for protection of flock arc good and sufficient ahe shepherd hepherd who is m wise ise enough to be prepared for or net met wintry mintry days and cold w m inter nights does not dread losses from pneumonia and the mortality mortill ty in the lambing season ot or lext iet reb february and march tint that mill come from bleed ing eves emes that hac been meak weakened ened by exposure As m winter inter begins to diah a little nearer he sees thit that h hi I 1 shelter I 1 elter ing arrangements are all th thit a t chev ought to bo be it does not mitter matter m whether hether the sheds used b the sheep are so N I 1 ery airm or not but the must not be so open that chat the i wind ind can call whistle through them and there must be plent clenti ot of ventilation sas sab a writer in farm progress plenty of light and ventilation and freedom from drafts are the main considerations the warmth of the shed Is less important than tile the ne cassit of a good sound root roof I 1 neier put more than fifty sheep in a single shed more than that number will mill be hard bard to manage and the chances of accidents among ewes with lamb will mill be greatly increased tile the shed ought to be about twice as long as it is wide and there should be ample room for every animal to lie down dome anilde its doors without the ap bearance pe arance of crom crowding ding tile the place the floor must ot of course be absolutely dry and remain thit that way may the feeding rack should be placed on one side ot of the shed and should consist of a flat bottomed trough at the bottom surmounted by a well mell k is A sheep built rack made of slats nailed about three inches apart put it au out t tar ar enough from the side wall mall so that the ewes ma feed at it from hot both b d sides de where the space Is not great enough to allow the rack to be built out from the wall mall so sheep cin can feed from both sides the bottom ot of the rack will mill have to be built slanting enough to slide alde all ohp grain hay chaff trashy bits of forage and leaves down domn to the side where the sheep are feeding this m will ill keep the tar far side of the rack f from roin tilling filling up with fill moldy teed feed |