Show BASKET TRICK IS STARTLING formerly done by indian fakiri fakirs out but recently western magicians have hava adopted it one of the most startling ling of all the iho exhibitions given bj bi the stage magician is the bast basl et trick for merle merb it was mas done onia b tile the expert indian but in recent cars western magicians also alo haic done it A child is placed in a beket in front of the spectators then the magi clau clan thrusts his sword through the basket gain and again drawing it on out t cohered with mith blood ahe child screams for borne time and then stops as it if it had and been killed when N lien tho the basket Is opened it Is found to be empei and the child appears dd eat among the spectators all this is done with mith buch an aspect of reality tint that it often frightens the tim lim id cl ones among the arod ind and yet it I 1 Is s simple enough one side of 0 the basket Is IE double after closing the basket the magi C cian an pretends to turn it oer on its s bide de lie ile really turns turna oi er onil one part dart of it the bottom and one thick nes of the double side are left as they vere mere the other thickness be com comes es tho the bottom of the basket in its new nem position whit wis mas the opposite side of this becomes tho the top and the old bottom la Is left lung tree free upon the ground with mith the child upon it outside the basket but this old bottom and ad the child upon it are nox now under tile tha robe of the magician while tho the magician is turning the basket bick back to its original position and run ning his bis sword sord through it the child escapes into the crowd the blood on the sword is from a sponge in the basket |