Show notice for publication department of the interior U S lind land office at silt lake cit city utah october 23 1911 NOTICE is hereby riven given that nora E jeffer Jef feri of fremont utah who on Sep september 9 1907 made de eret land entry serial no for disei see 9 and nei section 17 township 26 S range 5 E salt lake Mendi in has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the lind land above described before ohp clerk of the district court at loa utah on the 5 day of december 1911 claimant Clai mint namis nami s is witnesses vit nesses daniel 11 allred of fremont utah george morrell of 0 fremont utah william G Fremont Utah seth blackburn of lod loa utah E D R THOMPSON register bt |