Show at 1 I PROGRAMS FOR SECOND THIRD WARDS the third viard ard NI I 1 A will hold it a conjoint eun joint leaion in it the ward tard house next sunday evening ot at which the Itil following lowing program will he be rendered abdrea john S christensen solo john hood recitation lorette robinson Robi neon song sone noami heppler Heppl cr poem om margaret Marn ret oooo orran organ solo elva eiva johnron John Bon solo rebecca Ite beeca Pt eron SECOND WARD program for conjoint meeting nov ath at second ward music t orchestra talk missionary experiences in south sea islands wro wirt A geee beeg miller soprano solo Sol oNellie nellie bean hymn in native tongue wm A beeg miller and family music Cb chidester idester orchestra |