Show CITY and NEIGH B e T TO T 11 II L T i lonice ind his fiall of vo n roe are arc pending tile the cintli in ca california I 1 AT mr r and M mrs rs 1 cimei jell jenion ln ire ile here re from idaho for i a short visit v it I 1 I 1 friends ant anil relatives latios rc mrs william C staw rt of ring bing ham bam is a guest aest at the home hoire of her parents mr mir ill ul mrs G W miss mazic leal return pl home the latter part of the week irom manti after a sta of in that alt catl nl and mrs airs thoi ogden accompanied hy by children mil depart alet week for california Calif irnia when taci aspect ft to spend tile the winter letter to the reaper from leo anon anoni ance lanCel chri ten arl that he has commenced his hig inisi onari libora in 1 i conein aril ard is arg his v vork ork im aunt bount clerk ed ans issued a marriage lorense li rense monday to stanlea R toss offo at joeph eph ind anti margaret Marfi aret Hi fiina 3 of E laimore EI sinare tile the coupin djs married aimed the flame day b bishop H C chris marriage Mar nafie licenses licences licen ces es anre tre i issued sued on oct oth to 3 S marble and caroline Itter POn both nf central centrals 1 ind to time llmer limer soren joenel en ard matin sell bell doth both of Gle nood the lormer couple vere married hv bv I 1 B shop coon managers leei atle ei mil and thurmann dav sa they haie hae at list received contralto con trait aLt lor the of 0 tile the I 1 ion ind the the dite date will be in an a little later this is one of chi licitis itis bait plis plans clr mf I 1 ats ogdan ul v 11 f ins his ben buffering erine front from i I 1 cerf attick ot of pneumonia for tile the past ano VLIS iq r c ported to be at loi 13 1 mrs ogden N in a 1 ireci con dation for card daia ind the netta tit tint it site she it ing will be ch choring cring to tier her man anani friend ill ili tins this county misi avis athel bein of le grande orbron a daughter of mr air it lid at marq N ictor L UL BL in is gitnik i with rela acla tie irlee sl ste e his bein irig in ili ml fr fir fone eone timi past ind M ill return to her home in the near future air it 11 d u mrs theodore of nehru e dutill ire ice in for a fisit isit ith reli relatives tives the tha rf of the copper miners has caged the in minith nt of New newhouse houe to be shut hut no n vir mr nielsen la is thir king kinn eno uil of making ins his home borne in ili citi cat ohp walters waltera compan will be seen in nich Rich held nov 16 in wahington wa hington irvingg rip van winkle air W liters campini avis cco here early during tho the aea aelion on and ni the quilitz ot of then offerings is 19 well ell known to the people of richfield |