Show TRIES TO JUMP A man named dubois is arrested here pays the bo Board ardjill bill plus pins the costs and is permitted to go his way sheriff abbott received a message from W E white of marysvale Marys valc vale prosecuting attorney of pluto county notifying him that a man named dubois an alleged had jumped a board bill at the vale and asking him to arrest the defaulter the sheriff ascertained that the man had been iril in richfield lichfield on monday and cashed a good sized brieck but had bad zone gone south again he dispatched his able deputy albert 0 engar to the depot yesterday morning with orders to arrest dubois if he was on the train mr engar made a search of the train and found that the fellow had taken refuge in oneff one of the toilets the officer obtained a key and then the occupant of the toilet tried to hold the door and prevent being arrested but the door was forced open and dubois was ignominiously hauled forth when told what he was wanted for he offered to pay the bill and the costs were tacked on to it aich which swelled it from 10 to 47 he denied that lie he intended to beat the bill and declared he only intended going to thistle and r turning returning in a 3 dy day or so ro lie he ind had been employed on the construction of a bridge at marys vale and the board bill waa nas owing to a private family who could not afford to ose ore the money the fello fellow w was as allowed to go but he was shy nearh 50 on his proposed pio plo posed trip to tennessee |