Show NEW TOWNSITE IS LAUNCHED west of sigurd on splendid land three hundred and sixty acres in site and good water will be supplied excellent banquet the tie new townsite at cadir ridge fact A is now an accomplished r of citizens accompanied the owners of the land to the ridge last saturday ind a new ton townsite site was laid oft cind and the plans for a new town were outlined he parts parti left ceic chort hor tl before noon in vehicles and were conveyed to the ridge where the land vi vas as gone over thoroughly the first tiling thing that claimed the mention attention of the VI viel was the work which C N Still mati is doing in reclaiming the arid and lands out at the ridge he has a field of several hundred acres which was avas plowed last fall and la Is now be ng put in shape for crops this year he has three di disc sc plows at work one two di disc dic c one four disc and a s dic plow the disc plow seems to have haie solved the pulverizing ot agricultural land the plows are arc the danielsen Di nielsen corn com banys jakc and with the two larger plows 18 13 inches of land was wag turned over at each round it vias as an interesting sight to ice the plows at work mr stillman hansome has some of the finest drat horses in the valley and they are adapted for the work of the diw plow THE TOWNSITE after viewing the plows at work the visitors were vere taken across a rushing stream of water which cedar ridge cannon is sending down at present from the meltire snows the proposed townsite runs north and east from the c corner orar of oc section 33 35 township 22 S R I 1 west S L M and takes in nine 40 acre tracts of land four of these tracts are owned b bi haes and stillman and their assoni ates three and a half are owned bv gentian bastian and 60 acres are owned by eph Das dastrup this makes sod acres of choice land in the new to toan n site an area of three of a mile square the east side runs along the railroad and will place the town within easy bac keth of railroad facil facility lOss FERTILITY OF THE SOIL the big state canal runs along to uie west and aboe the townsite and the land slopes to the east gang ing magnificent dri anage and making irrigation easy the soil is a sandy loam capable of great creat fertility and in giddion gidd ton to an ideal garden spot it should be the finest fruit belt in this country as the winds from the canyon will defeat the tha frosts in fact an lo orchard rehard has been maintained there for many years and fruit was raised when it was ai a 1 i utter failure in all other ilat parts of 0 tb valley y of the ty fb ts the fertility in add addon on land the to townsite whIte lir ln in a beautiful vi blew ew of the location for comman dinga valley the most northerly i pint as well a as the most southerly eat can pe s seen from the ridge the visitors were ere hiehle delighted with the site alte chosen at first many were in favor of the townsite being placed nearer the foothills and cht up under we trie big canal but when the railroad facilities were taken into consideration all agreed that the site chosen was the ideal one LOTS lors AND BLOCKS the propped ed town will have 69 ahloe ka 25 2 rods squire square and each will eonta conta ui sn eight lots lotsof of a half acre eich an alley will extend through each block eblock fearn east to west so an that all corrals chicken loops and outhouses out houses will aill be reached from the rear tills this will give lita either a north or a south exposure the street will be four rod wide v ith two main streets six sit roda wide nide one winnins nin inn ining north ind and south and the other running east and west WATER facilities there is a good stream of water from cedar ridge canyon cannon which will be available for irrigation purposes in ad dilion to the water from tte tre state einal canal the company which will handle the town tow townsite nite lie matters will prepare for cu linari water there it is water to be obtained from the springs situated in the west est mountains these springs are lot wholly dependable at present but it is believed thel can be made so with a little develio ment work Thel matter of culinary cul inars water however is 13 an easy problem chere is a splendid water strata winch ach has just been diw discovered on the iderson An Ar darson ranch in kinga kinai meadow canyon which will vill furnish the new town with aith an excellent supply oi of water for all hou house seand and lawn purposes in this the new town has advantages which other less leas favored localities lack magnificent BANQUET while the visitors were viewing the landscape or of r the badiei mrs H hayes ayes mr stillman Stil linan and mr A K hansen H a ansen were busi I 1 c cn ed ar ing dinner for the their efforts far ur passed the expectations of the hungriest man mail in the crowd when 11 II N rayes insen in tones announced u la in pullman porter first second third thad and ht cill for lunch there w wis s a rush to the dining tent A table hid teen spieth with alth the finest assortment of cold melts me its salad arkles pl kies olives fruits ind pastries that the most fa tati tadious dious api pi cure could def desire anre rhe vi lads represented the culinary triumphs of mrs haves and mrs stillman and the guests did ample justice to the tooth some home food when appetites had been satisfied H N hies asked the visitors to ex c press their views as to the lc 10 cation the site each man stated that the site was ideal many had thought first of locating it up near the cinal md and as hah on the nde as poc possible sible but after looking over the situ itu tion tinn and reme remembering the desirability of cf railroad facilities the had concluded that the site chosen was the ideal one AVAILABLE LANDS there la ig a lot of available aval lilile land in the vicinity of the new townsite which can be obtained at verv able be prices and on yearly pa menti A few jears ears since this land was taken up by men nho ho had no hope of realizing out of the land only as a dry farm proposition apropo aitio the land arid has hai been acquired now but there is plenty of it for sale at reasonable prices good farming land can be purchased at from 25 to 50 an acre according to location and soil conditions arid and the water right can be secure from the state at y 25 per acle abie making the arll rh a s land arid falon ss az a i the state it c cm in be had on the ten year plan of payment too and those desiring good land at liao figures can get it from some of the men who ovin tracts in the vicinity of the new townsite site TOWN LOTS the men who own the present town townsite ste have not completed arrangements for the sale of the lots but they pro to sell the lots at each the prospecting for the best water supply will be completed and determined debei mined before any lots are offered fol foi sale the naming of the new town is important and the owners propose to give a lot to the person who will suggest the most appropriate name one which will suit ue oin t this matter however will not tie be opened for some orae time bet et as the owners jers have a lot of work to attend to befar lots are apen ij for sa al or the town named THE VISITORS the visitors who enjoyed the tha hos pati lity of the owners of the new townsite were president W H Commissi onner J E heppler homer mccarty of the sun C M heppler J H R erickson Enck son virginius bean N C poulsen eFi 1 I W bean L F Koest koester cr W S rust bishop dastrup john hood of the reaper jacob bostian of loa R D young jacob lauri laun zen and the owners owner C N stillman H N afa haves es gentian batian bastian eph baatrup Daa Dae and the ladies of the party viere vere mrs A K hansen mrs H N haves mrs C N stillman mrs virginius bean and 1 mrs john dastrup the party had an enjoyable timo time in I 1 spite of the disagreeable wind which w aia is bowing and the new town is a su U go eo |