Show ly SWITCH V MARI R WAN ED commercial club for facilities an effort will be made alade for equal freight rates new neni members added to the club after i a long silene the richfield club has again aNak awakened ened to life and norl last laa Wednes wednesday daN night the club held 1 i I meeting and there was a good attendance of active members x v ith president A K hallsen in the chair there were ere fie out ot of seven directors at the meeting and the topics disc discussed used were verc real lne lie ones there v as an in increase creace in the membership aich be betoken tokens a good healthy condition of the club the first matter considered nas the presentation of a hn ancial statement from the sereter sere serc tir showed plainly that thai there is need of fund to carr on the business of the club J C anderoos aldero An deroOi dero presented a mattei for consideration which has been a cae eje of much annoyance anno yari yane e to men me N 1 10 0 have business justness with kith the rail railroad roal corn com 1 pi p ay i L V 1 a j trat teat is the need of more witch baitch room at present the trac kige facilities in rich field consist of the in tin nn line and one side track which runs to the rear of the freight hoase hc ise ind and one small spur for the ue of the light corn com pane when cats cais of mat ervil are received here thea the must be unloaded when there are arc no trains in the nard ard As soon coon as a train coms com s into aheard the aard and thre th re is ani an switching to do all loading and unloading ot of car mast cease until such time as the train crew gets ready to let the c us alone dur ing the present aca season on of beet loading as a b mini rn in asa as a hundred teams hii e been dept waiting naiem for in order to get to the ears cars to unload uno d is a de aided ua waita te of time and money moncy in this and mi anderon thought if the lorn com mercial club bould t ke this mitter up ath the railroad com company that possibly more facilities would be given the city in to the lack of side tracks mr risher fisher pint pointed cd out thit is a decided differ difference clice in the arli frught g ht rates accorded salin I 1 i and those de ac corded to this city ile he asked that this matter le lc gore into ith t ie im road company and both matters N er en L referred to the COM committal MItteL on r and francl tran or tation to assist the matter matler along a corn com cittee of tv 0 vas as appo intend to lon con fer aith ith the city ity council and another committee to take to ane matter ur up ith the business houses and vi anc I 1 c the rail roid ampro ched from all sides ard fisher acre cre selected to ir iT the cit council and J 11 ErIL and A M malouf w 11 see tile the busini ss b houses A I 1 K ilan cn called attention of the club to th thi pro proposed rosed gatho of the utah art in institute to be held hire in january and arld uri d thit the club mein lers prepare to gie it all the assistance po possible sibIL to the end cod that all idu adu i du rational cat ional matters matti ra lie be fostered and encouraged cou raged to come to richfield it u as the unanimous unini opinion of thi OIL members tb thit it the cobitt on education should ece to it th thit it ill i ll 11 proper and nt ni cc gary try be made that this d ibbe ehilt hibit of paintings be secured city all the members stand land ready to give necessary ebsary aid the proposed meeting of the combined sanpete San pete sevier and piute corn com mercial clubs was next discussed president hanson stated that the meeting is for theist the ast 1st of deat but this ibis d alite ite vis is lo 10 change if the members thought best it wis is then dee dec ded to hiie this meeting un oil the ath of cembor D ind tl at after the meeting i i banquet should he be to the visiting mem her ber and thi should con alli elude e with ith 1 I 1 ball at the anona to this end the coan committee 1 attee on enter entertain tim trient ment was instruct ed to labor ind an committee as aD appointed pointed to sere sene with the standing committee to we cc th thit it the arrangements were ere ill 11 complete for cor this mot most notable 9 atherine gathen ather inq nc the addition additional il committee is as fol follows loiNs J G Jorgen jorgenson con parley Mag maglean Ma gleb lebN judge chidester bert hepard ind and J H berckson Erck son later tb the late date wis vas changed to december at ath is a ot of advertising of this section to be prepared for publication in a bool let setting belting forth the adan advantages of this country the fol following loiNing committee was appointed appoint cd to the standing committee on ad erti ertling ing J C anderson M C nielen and geo C morrison morrion the meeting then adjourned DIRECTORS MEETING As soon icon as the meeting id journea th directors held i 1 I short session to consider for mem barship the follo following xing acre cre accepted as members and unanimously passed A J ence 11 II J gianon II anon lamar heppler jimes fd arda martin 1111 ln n and andrew andre acsel the club is grove growing ing ind it is a p ponca N cr fr good in this community comm uniti |