Show NUN I 1 I 1 PA 1 ONN OM N I 1 I 1 P the mass maiss meeting of the citizens and lapiers ta piers of this city last sidur d ly night nas aras moat pronounced in its expression in favor of a municipal electric light plant this is i i move in the right dire direction tion no sane lane min will oppose uch such a mone moie the citizens ari nr entitled to the ownership owne iship of all the public utilities and electric light i is one of them the council is to be commended for the steps it is 13 t aking it in tra trying ing to ealure this most desirable addition to the citi s hold ing the prec ot of the mitter on Satu ida idaN night ho wis inis not as lucid is as it should hac been the iacre theoretical and did not have hane the pric pr ic e experience peri ence behind them winch indich could have haic been obtained from men mell nho hie h i e installed plants in utah there is a book published eer heir air giving figures on installations of plans it is a sort ort ol of an electricians 3 bear ear bool book thit chills is the mcgraw electrical directory Director 3 and in the october 1908 issue is reported all the th e constructions in the united stites the cot of electrical construction is estimated from the amount of power ponner developed and the loans on electrical construction are figured from the cost per horsepower horse power de developed clofed if the project costs too much per horsepower loan companies will rot not ad advance monea mone upon it from a list of the plants constructed in ill utah for individual cities it is estimated that the cost of construction in utah bitah has ae aNe aerated raged per horse power poter in this estimate her here arc the towns in utah belh hii h hae been con bearer h p cost gb ct per it h p brigham city it p cost ephraim h p cost fairnie fain lew N 10 h p cost 36 sa 8 fountain green it 1 p GG CG mantl manti h p cost cosit lit ant sant SO go h p cost 1 22 90 h p 1 1 cost 44 parson 13 3 h p cost I 1 50 spring caa cit 40 it p cost I 1 s 3 12 r 0 Spring ille h p cost L taking these eleven cities as a bibis b ibis it is estimated that the average cot cost is per horse power er the proposed plant dt at jericho provides for a 3 00 k w generator which aich nith losses in transformers and line drop w will ill deliver deiner k w of current here in richfield this is equal to horsepower taking the average rest cost of construction n utah this will make the plant at jericho cost something like 66 GOO ibis is nearly double ti tie the e estimated cost as ai submitted by the engineers who have figured the cost ephraim Ephr airn and manti plants cost per horse power and taking that cost as a basis the proposed plant for this city would cost there is little to be gained by agn giving ing the citizens ens a wrong rong m conception of the cost of the plant the fact that construction in utah has ne never neer er cost less than per horse pov pon er gives gines us no reason to hope that the propos proposed sed plant can be installed for less than other cities have paid for their plants better look 1001 tie the matter squarely in the face and prepare for the worst norst while hoping for the best there them was aas a suggestion made at the meeting that a ste im plant as an auxiliary would be a desirable dl thing and thin thib was scoffed at As ab a matter of fact there is need of an auxiliary plant where a water power plant lias has its water supply in an open canal with a pipe line there is little inconvenience veni ence experienced front extreme cold weather cr but an open canal has mush ice to cont contend crid with and this will shut oft off the power in of what the wise ise acres think one man van ann fd d to know how long it would tak to get up steam it require much of a head to understand 11 there is is a cold trap prevailing and when such suei contingency hrire an it dols docs rot cost much to keep I 1 a steam plants fires re da cl to pread and rust riis bleim in a hurry the esti on the distributing system aste for this city was as the amount named haid 13 equip the cit with transformers for far less liras it 11 d poles let the people understand the c each act cost and let there be a full ind and free discussion of this most moat important tep step one of the mot int significant indications of the trend of the present reform I 1 is to be found in the fact act ct forth in the i d dince ince pages of the forth coming report of the united states internal revenue corn missioner for almost a half century the united states intern il reenee on intoxicating liquors has been s beadil on the increase until in 1107 1907 the statistics showed an increase oner oe the preceding year of SOG the of the commissioner how low eier eer for the ciscil dear ending june SO 00 for the first time in the history of oc the intern ll 11 revenue debirt ment not call does docs not show any in crease at t ill but on tile the other hint hind s hows shows a actual dc creise of the decrease for the bear ear in the jhc with etli dr drewi m il of oc distilled for con amounted to gallons to man v ho bo ha hae c not kept in close touch N with ith the anti saloon wae N an e NN which aich has bab swept the country the figures of this report mn mi crime come as a surprise but the causes are arc not difficult to find the fact thit fie states during this I lit fiscal acar icer adopted state nile prohibition furnishes a partial but not by my iny means the most important reason for this large deL decrease rease in in revenue approximately 75 per cent of the combined territory of these five fine states was already dry under the arious anous local option iann laws s and anda ba N girtue of the indian treaties north carolina for instance had fewer than saloons left in the entire state when nhen state statewide v ide prohibit i in m vis is adopted while in georgia mississippi abdala and alabama three fourths of the counties in these states were alread already dry by reason of the county option ii 1 ws s I 1 the 1 factor in connection with this falling oft off in federal license receipts is to be found in connection with nith the thousands of docil option elections held in counties cities milagos and to tow enship of twenty eight other states during the acar car cohered by this report illinois abolished abolish cd more than 1500 saloons bl b good majorities in ton to ri ships michigan added ten dry counties to the roll indiana success successfully full remonstrated against goo saloons in the ton townships ships of that state wisconsin added communities to her already large list of dry ones nebraska had bad a net dry gain of thirty one municipalities oreon oregon ore on ousted oust edthe the saloon from twenty one of her thirty three counties colorado temperance advocates won mon twenty out of twenty six elections ahil texas lousiana arkansas south dakota gao abiol minnesota missouri delaa delaware are and others came in for their share of thy victories in the general and special elections held A conservative estimate places the number of saloons abolished abolish cd by the local option route during this fiscal 3 barat the answer therefore to the question as to the reason for this great slump is casil found the answer to the question as to the effect upon internal revenue of anti elcon victories victo rids during the present fiscal vearis som somewhat cihat mire difficult only three months of the present fiscal car have pissed but the result of anti saloon activities during the DIT et da das s are to qa ai the least not encouraging to the bre brewers ers dis tillers and liquor dealers with ajom whom the internal revenue receipts have hac to do since june 1 30 0 sc several cral inte interesting bents have transpired the dominant political barty party of south carolina has nominated a candidate for governor on the state wide platform the direct primary prim ary try result in the state of wash ington has insured the passage of a locci option law at this uin winters ses sion of the legislature congressman jenkins and several of his fellow fellon members of the congressional judiciary committee who were responsible as the tools of speake cannon for sidetracking ti tic the c littlefield interstate liquor bill in Cun congress congre gre have hane been lafe for re rc nomi nilion mime has again gone on oil recoil in f fiver bior of her state prohibition lav iani Dela wires ares political pirth hia alired ol for local option eption indan i in 1 i I cricci special ld session of tile legislature ins passed i 1 county option lin ind the state of ohio ins ims abol dished saloons in the last three weeks under county option lai of that state if these first three months of the fiscal fisc al jear are arc any indication of the nine months which are to follow the ficai 1909 bill nil more falcona thin any beir air in the history of the temperance reform worlds events NATIONAL TI L if I 1 had the po power aar to give this country the one thing that I 1 think it most truly needs next to the religion of jesus christ and which in rn judgment would be most moat con conducive ducie to the industry indu ia 1 education and moral up building of the nation I 1 would unhesitatingly give it i a strong nation maion al temper temp erime line liw and compel its enforcement by the iroler officers cels sai sas R D B glenn Goer governor nor of north carolina in a symposium s mr lum if I 1 were a N national S int L cl caius ius in the december I 1 here assert tint that th at all the wrongs ind iniquities of the ind lilt all the robberies oppression ind greed of monopolies do nut not compare with nith the sarrow roN the ruin the misery the crime the poverty tN the in edness the MCC bec the degradation the death ind damnation by strong drink it destroys home life breaks the hearts of mothers ind wives takes the clothes off the bad s of little children and substitutes rags degrades des mainhood min m hood makes lewd women nomen out of virtuous maidens stifles slides ambition dest destroys roq hope iN weakens eakens the bodi I 1 blights baights the mind ind blackens the soul until it turns this earth made for mins happiness and use into a hell for his ruin and misery in the interest therefore of I 1 usi ness for the protection of helpless women and children for the sion of crime the amelioration of want ind and poi poverty erty the prevention of disease the pres preservation cration of life the salvation of human souls and for the sale aaa c of more than eighty si millions of true brave and noble amelic amencia in men women and chil children dien I 1 would bestow this gift of nation natian 11 temperance thus destroying a fearful curse and restoring man to the godlike emige in which he NN wis Is erected I 1 would offer this lift to the people 11 HIL sit SILK K can we NL do the things that christ dida and ba have c we nc shut ai aw i within the leaves of a book the directions that would have hanc told tod us how hoi for lo 10 these nineteen hundred 3 cars we ire dusting our bibles tod ii ith these questions on oil our lips A mighty movement is unfold in science and religion have been traveling apart around at orbit that meets at last and tho the world thrills at the union groping blindly in the dark they have touched hands across a clo ing chasm feeling for un an unknown force science says religion murmurs procer Pra vcr and ant I 1 both breathe god together they have found v hat bat is announced as a liw of health and healing A long while ago it was tersely pronounced in gilileo Gi lilee aak abl and 30 shill receive tl 11 one lio to is said to have hac healed all their diseases only his church seemed to forget tile the great greatest cst command of all that ile he give it the arks that I 1 do shall c e do alo and tile the rt vas N as lot loft for centuries apol LII of if as a toi miracle a todi tod 13 it is baing 1 ing raiv rc IV ed cd it is manifest in chri three C di distinct phases pha ses as ChrI AVID schenk LC C as nc nei thought cind and as the move ment ph 1 hicho cho thi rapi is tin corn pr term thit co coarts erh them all there lop cd the science of J lifting 1 of knowledge thit barita as an illumination to reduce the chance effort of all mental li healing caling to dilecta method its discoN discoveries cries hie h ie confounded the v of doctors for a while they scuffed tit lit its findings nov ov they are arc ceasing to hugh and coming to learn it is i 1 remarkable moer movement nent with the hurt huri 11 on its knees in prayer fanth q iliin the th function that made its I 1 bounder famous it marks the a awakening awik t bening ening to the truth that has lain buried lit at the heart of christianity plainly stated it means that if men who ho follow christ in galileo galilee could heal the sick men w who ho folio him in new york and boston ind chicago m amy ly heal the sick also alio and is driest and clergyman lift their becs from their bibles they see sec advancing ad wincing from the mists of time the sha shadowy doNNy figure of ENo evolution lution she is bringing another e to L c to the already accepted departments of human I 1 ro roi ledge cledge make broomf room she commands the rest and lou ou ta tapping puling medical therapy on the shoulder move dohm psycho therapy comes here I 1 M ible potter daggett in the december Delin delineator eitor allf IN UTAH the pittsburg Pitts burR gazette tribune has the following to say of utah and its artists utah his has li hid id arious distinctions among the stites of the union its capital is the holy e c ty of the mor mons it anjos s plural marriage in secret and woman suf Trige in t the he open it has the largest anfind body ur L U i i tl w t EA A id if these were not enough to satisfy its earnings foi fat the unique thit state appi ip ars to be reaching after supremacy in artistic irti achec achievement cmunt the work nork that has been done toward this ord ard is reN revealed caled in ill an interview with in an artist from salt lake cita cian who is spending pending some time in new york lork where ne he is copying some paintings in the metropolitan museum of art foi 01 the public schools of utah J R B fairbanks that is the artists nime n ime has been at this work for a bear ear and a half ile he studied art in paris pans along with six SIK other boung men from ut rutih lh and he sas thit a dozen others hac gone there ther e S since in salt lake cita cit has an art I 1 institute n st I 1 tute which awards sm an annual of and the state fair awards another the most significant fact of all however is the tha commission gien mr fairbanks to cop famous paintings for the public schools if there is any where the best paintings in art ought to be put ind and where the will exercise cerci sc their function to the uttermost for irl s due jiovo all else th the gullic 10 it s ini in 1 I s that alile th re i a i i c ini in e ip in ill d tic c it u aati let it kf if ehte C fu fit western school 1 a ad d ind legislators which might N 11 fit bimi cited in our mere cultured cistern cities if utah is doing s si much for art wh ire we e irini su so littica wade tit th t lit ht lo ie n ait t p 13 dmn is ib thi i 11 i e 4 if f tile above it can be alin vi n hajt f ollos is considered nut often will jin of the ca calcin lern 3 sj ja t void nold of co commendation in men dation for utah when such la is found VL UL con consider it x 10 reproduce it listen the d dl di i nehn such words of just praise mi often be seen ind I 1 1 e cin ird AA hit hat NN lim I 1 oll DO doa I 1 in else of a burn or scald what aou do to relieve tit tilt such injuries ire liable to occur in any family and nd gerono beriono ce ee rono should be prepared prep ired for ahlm chamberlains salve applied on a 1 soft cloth mil ill ri licce thc jhc pain almost instantly a and ad unless the injury is ib 1 I ery cry seere one will cause the parts to heal out leaving a sear scar for s tic lie 1 barrs pharm icy I 1 I 1 |