Show FIRST ET AT SALINA county teachers will meet this week leek good programs are pr prepared r for r or pedagogues gues the tei cheri of sevier county will haj their firt first institute for the season at salina on friday and katurd ly of this week prof howard driels dnena of the U of U and dr georze georce thomis of the A t L U hie been secured to lecture before the tea teachers cherb and these eminent educators ft ill make it inter interesting eRting for tle the pedagogues gues an elaborate ea borate musical program has been pre prepared lared to break brea k the monotony of the studies atu diee and the luzieal numbers humbers have been assigned as follows FRIDAY AFTERNOON quartette john nelson and others piano solo laura crane piano solo fern foutin chorus richfield Rich fie id teachers SATURDAY MORNING chorus richfield teachers piano selection chloe prows vocal solo jetta stewart baritone solo john hood SATURDAY AFTERNOON vocal solo stena vocal solo john nelson vocal solo leah tuttle vocal solo J C jensen meetings Mee tines for the general public will fill be a held bild on friday and Satur saturday daiY even een angil at which interacting ing lectures will be given zy sy the college professors and good musical numbers will be rendered |