Show republican COLUMN campaign thoughts for republicans to digest before next tuesday far for to congress JOSEPH HOWELL for supreme judge judee D N tor lor to the state legislature HUGH E for far county commissioner long term I 1 MORTEN JENSEN for county Cummie Cummis ioner short term A IV BOHMAN for county treasurer H E HEILESON for county sheriff ALBERT C ENGAR for counts clerk PARLEY MAGLEBY for count recorder VIOLA BURR BUIM for count county astorre Att At torre JOHN G JORGENSEN for county Sur JARUE OGDEN for county GEO A christensen for county superintendent of schools ARNFRED christensen the republican party comes before the people with a platform that is a reasonable and feasible one that thea thy can endorse in every locality it is nut not a platform that will hae bae to be denounced deno ed in one locality to get votes and praised in another for the same purpose DO DEMOCRATS IN prohibition EION 1 lan j t lolk th l clr t arends really believe in tion for the reason that the have hanc talked against it at all tunes times whenever they have hae had bad a cnance to do something tangible along the line of prohibition the democratic orator in the constitutional convention said eaid it was vas also an air experiment which had always failed such leading demoen ts as K B 11 II roberts mr creer of spanish fork mr air hammond of san juan moheb thatcher david E eans ans of weber abel abe john evans of utah and een our late la lamen mentel tei and beloved dr alleger were against statewide state otate wide prohibition B H roberts roberta said eaid he was vas against prohibition notwithstanding the thousands oi of petitions that were ahn n in the con convention asking for it hu he said that he had lived in the state of loa iova when that was a grobi prohibition state by legislative enactment and he uses these words 1 I wish to declare that I 1 know that in that state prohibition was nathine but a hollow hallow mockery and recently the people of that state have abandoned abandon cd it for thit that reason he said that he could not stand for prohibition and al the rest of the democratic members who spoke against prohibition declared that it was an absolute failure now then the democratic orators would make the people believe that the oral safety for the people of this state would be tu to vote the democratic ticket notwithstanding their record of desecrating dese crating the will of the people as they call it when tie ti c people petition for certain things RP republican PUBLICAN PARTY WILL PROM IT LIQUOR TRAFFIC we tnt think that thai the people of this county will be blinded blindt cl and hood inked by the cry of the democrat in n favor ot of statewide state wide prohibition because the republican parti has adopted a platform plat forin that will give the colp keople the nearest and the most site CL cebul bUl law JAW against the liquor frallic that it is 13 possible to gie under tile the conditions th thit it wo we as a state ire are eubie eted to fhe republican lican part zes cs to pa a law prohibiting saloons a loona in each and eiery town in the detate st te outside of the incorporated cities it then proposes to enact a law that would give the cities of the state local option it proposes that this law shall provide pro viila that chat there thare will be an election in every city in the state on the wet and dry question within ninety das after the tha adjournment ment of the legislature if the legislature is the faith of thy the party darty is 19 pledged pi aged to do this and d the republican p arty always iti word the ahe democratic pirt it appears to us has simply found some thing hing that they think will mill boust boost I 1 nto into power rind and tint that is wits win taci fire are talking so hard for state statewide ide prohibition DEMOCRATS ARE CR arting ING RING ane democratic party has been trying for months to makl make the people b believe L aleve that there is distension disien sion lit in the ranks and they hue hite bren been tiling to create a throughout the state slate of dissatisfaction among the republicans arid and in the he and in the counties hac ben erling crying federal bunch federal rings and rings cfall of all sorts until they see a ring around everything except the democratic pirty they forget homeier ho weier that the democratic party eams to be controlled by one wan iran therefore the ring in their parti is ery small email then theis if your sons want to att abt office the will have to consult the ring let it he large or small the rhe democratic ring however is lust as effective as any perhaps that was eier made won rhy representatives IN CONGRESS the republicans of this county ind and state are pleased to know that they have lave in the halls halla of congress such bach strong men as the hon bon reed smoot the he hon bon george sutherland and the hon hen joseph howell they are entitled to be called ho honorable from aery standpoint their influence at the national capital is great and the people of this county and state would be very foolish to disturb that influence by sending a democrat back there in the place of either one he could do nothing but quarrel with the a administration and find fault with eri thing that is being done republican candidates WORMY OFFICERS we deplore the fact that our democratic friends hae attempted to matte mane a whispering against some of our candidates and are VICIOUS viciously 13 attacking their character in a malicious and untruthful manner for the purpose of breaking pre aking down their influence with the people and where people make false and defamatory charges again against bl others it always acts as a boomerang and will ill do them no evou lt aine atie ena ae e r ale ed tj ti sa sai that our candidates are equal for ability ind straight forwardness to ana an that have ever been placed on any ticket within the county and wt we dont hesitate to ask the people to vote for them sort sone e of them have been tried I 1 11 i the past and have made good and those that have not ar an the vera ver best type of manhood that car can be found do DEMOCRATS KEEP PROMISES our democratic frien a seem to be working ork iniz up considerable on in the question of disregarding the petition petit peti tiow ioni of the people we in answer to that desire to si that democracy as ibe e understand it holds the worlds record for disregarding the petitions of the people in the constitutional convention when hen the question of womans comans suffrage was before that body a bitter feirt was waged by the deMOL democrats rats against it ind and the fight listed lasted for nearly a month notwithstanding the democratic platform declared for womans comans suffrage and that it should be equal with that of men petition ers cra to the amount of about went in demanding that women be given thy the right to lotegand ate and hold office but it made no difference the demo deino craic fight was bitter anil and fierce their platform was referred to but that made no difference they disregarded the petitions of the people breaking their platform on the question of womans comans suf suffrage wet the same therefore our democratic friends have nothing to be proud of in regard to being true to the people ind we think that ulten ihen make any such assertion as that arid and tr tra to lead the people to believe that cre re the trusties trub ties and gurdian guir dian of the peoples right they mut must mu t certainly shut their e acs s and no go it blind ly republicans BUILD ROAD broadb democrats CLAIM THE HONOR the demor itic campaigners are taking credit to them tehres in the matter of good reads but they are taking raking something some thit deeb not belong to then in 11 1905 sn in county george stevens Ste veng morten jn en and larsen worked up the sentiment of good broadi and expended 55 2 as aa against 1944 in 1901 the next berj pearl over 3 the next about and in 1809 before the democratic commissioners cimo in tile the republicans hild hid expended nearly 13 for that year scar the republican administration ib there fore ore entitled to credit fur working up lip the good roads qt sentiment ment from baart to finish and the democrats that came into ino is as commissioners commissioner simpli follo followed Ned along lit in their foot steps there is no for the dem merits to tell the people that the aj to ret get goof roote roads is 13 to vote for its e that I 1 la all boh bo h democratic CRY HOLD OFFICE TO LONG the democratic Demoe ratie chairman Ch dinnan chief and bobs bob of this count counti hs has been and is 13 now going through uvis the mccurt accurti taking great pains in sa sabine anz that the republicans are holding office too long and thit that they are e euine all of what he term the public just think how consistent it i la for this champion of democracy to talk about other people eating slop from a public slop lop bucl bacle e when he himself has been feeding at th public crib ever since the memory of roan man not to tile contrary just note the offices that he has held ind and through aich he has byln afi n eating blip he was superintendent of schools for a number of years county clerk county Att attorney orneN city councilman school trustee land codilis stoner lioner in 1904 he tried to become the district judge in 1903 he tried triad again for the same position in 1900 1909 he was a cand candidate agam again for land commissioner in fact has there eier eer been an election school municipal or general since he became old enouch to hold office that he has not been a candidate either for an electie or ap ooin Doin tive ochle holhi e if he be could not squeeze in as a candidate one way tie ne would another and then he be kicks about someone else eating slop I 1 from a public slop bucket and dont 3 iou au know that he intends to keep eating such alon if be can fool the republicans and get them to swallow sallow all that the democrats I 1 are hashing up for them 9 now then if you want a democrat in office forthe for the next ten years to corn come e the only thing for lou on to do 1 is 3 to believe all that the democrats are telling on the republicans and go oil and stultify yourselves by the democratic ticket we are willing to put up with democrats beine abeln elected when nhen their party is strong enough to elect them and we say to republicans that they never get anything 1111 thing from when they have supported them for office halh linns rire are lads iwa is laiu laid asiu b li the damoc arts and the pie is given to the tried and true of lie lc no cracy ANY CUING IS DONE TO DE FEAT the whole dim aim of the demoi ratie party seems to be now to defeat representative howell anil and hon hall george sutherland thorland Su for re election arid and at the sime time lay a foundation to bring dissatisfaction and discord into the ranks of the republican party so that next election the hon reed smoot may be defeated and a democrat placed in his stead if ou permit mit such guch a thing iou will never be s satisfied at saied you have tried it before ind you have been well paid for it PEOPLE WILL GET GOOD LAWS UNDER republican RULE we promise the voters and the people at large that if they support the republican ticket at thi this election selection they will get better batter and more effective laws in to handling the liquor evil than the democrats would have given them in a thousand years and the laws that the republicans enact win will oe be enforced people will have it in their own hanla hands to say whether they want saloons closed down or whether vili ether they want them rel ree ii no one will have the power to prevent it we submit ou side of this controversy to the people believing that they hae faith in the grand old republican party that has weathered it through every crisis jina and handled every great question to a successful termination ind and ve e bebbie thit tile the will do the bame dt at this election THE PAINTED NOSE the democratic junne this campaign have put in the same position po alon that hut a i certain school boi did ile ha hid such large feet thit the alst of the students ants made sport of him jn in order to ite that he ado a scheme of painting his nose reil red to draw their attention irani his hia feet gunj me ahw ho he came carne into thi next morning with his nose painted tome ome of the scholars yelled great scott there I 1 la hig footed jim with ilia his noss nose painted red so will it be with the democratic party abes the hive their nobes red in order to lude hide their cloven feet which of free trade arid and other dom socratic doctrines that thi th i fall to mention when nhan they are on ane stump slump they hiie ble gone donn doi n year scar after beir air upon their pretend td doctrines that hive croven to be worthless worthies sand and which the wont dire discuss to daa da their free silver craze frer free trade ex E pins iun imperialism and other bug abohos inventor invented for tho kurpan of the people have failed and cone by the wo we see them out now with another scarecrow they call it prohibition we expect cosec to sec them at list out with their pact iverse verse that all be 0 nicean nice and dho e tr ir tell jell talent that they will have hav th nerve ind audacity to isk the lians to ote the democratic ticket republicans stand by nour our ticket ind uphold the principals you vou have so long and that have brought prosperity to you and the rett of the nation 1 |