Show TO REMEDY REPROACH during the course of a debate in the british house of commons concerning the pro providing iding of old age pensions for or workingmen mr asquith chancellor of the e ea chequer made the following remarks which A aich express in terse manner a shameful fact thit hit is receiving rec ening general recognition and general geneal gene al demand for a remedy to my mind the two mo 1 tra gic gc things in cia ajr modern social 0 conditions condition are the figures fl ures of the man who wants aorl ork and cannot fin I 1 it ana of the man who is past v work orl and has to be beg f for ir bread so lon long as these figures reman in the foreground of our life they constitute a standing reproach 10 lo 10 our cn civilization new zealand germany and france have pro provided aided for old a age c pensions pension ind en england carld seems to be getting reidy re idy to follow the example the Tle above aboe PT prompts apts the login journal to remark tint thit in all coun tries too is develop developing ng a demind demand that the producers shall re receive belve a more equitable share of the proceed of their abr greed has over reached itself so far that the laborers are awakening to the fact that they are arc too nearby nearly like slaves in fact are in some respects worse than slaves as their exploiters ep loiters have no property interest in them to induce them to provide suitable food and clothing sufficient is produced or cin easily be produced of all tint thit goes tomake to make life prosperous and comfortable for table for ill and ere long the producers will get theirs and the exploiters will also get what is cum corn ing to them unless the too seek ome cime position of more use and bt bint nl fit to the masses than that of ciari buters who appropriate to thlin thim thi m the bull bulk of what the built tuilt rs produce leaving them but a b irl pittance when liber labor comes into its own poor houses and old age blot like alike will ill no longer be and the re to out oui civi civilize lizi tion will be blotted out but mi ITIL time the old age and disability pui sion idea is a good i I 1 I 1 and incomparably superior to alit th I 1 j poor house system which is d dis tsi truc tive of ties of family and 1 ship debasing to all cn connected connect td 4 it and a poor ren reward ard at the list for fir those whose in lives es haa have e been pt ill I 1 in amassing riches for t hl exploiters who produce noth not hii it atut et consume all |