Show 11 ork ill 0 I 1 e ail 1 clias chas hicl in vh h has th contract of buil building din th tha new laati forthe for the the ew high ool which 13 bing bin erected berei ted bettein n thi ula 11 baillie and the higi clr il A bui air is ib making anakin good hi Il Laday v ith he oia have been bacri d liia in the or ork ome on a an urt of rrt rot the iron ion az acca ate that v ill ba in the ii tidies clib I 1 at t the lie aeral e cral entrance 3 the bates hon ho beci he ci hv hie e ami arri td il nov an ail I 1 the wort nill ill be bc pushed tle tin building will lost apt ep i and foul thuu sanu sana joli doli ais hiis tiis anan it i is s MI ill nillon nill on has tho the reputation of doing good vork and the new building under his supervision v ill b ba put up t ta 0 S shy |