Show MS as foft ELSINORE 61 ro 4 gai fi 0 fra 1 I t ta ce RO vt four babies diore ore blessed at t services service here sunday harry ni bisou his has moved lato into axel ael francks homis home mr and mr axel abitol neilson ware wara oyer over flout ri xhelil visiting with friends Vv illiam end lames vere ore over from mouroe Sit sh hands witti with mrs jon christensen of C is 19 visiting with ith her daughter mrs chris this abek ek lethe lathe lur LIT surprised hm her friends here last getil by getting married to william budd of the sevier mine mrs atelia ao ausen of 0 mt bit pleasant la Is visiting with friend here she ts 13 a sister ul ol sirs johnson of central A pubic meeting ot the citizens of ulinore I 1 la ailed for or friday evening of this abik to counder cou ider the of bonding the tonu toan tor for the purpose or of PU tL 1 lu t 1 cratem 11 II V P aidi seq or oar sexton reports that it areat reat imp brement is being beine malem ma Is in th the cemetery this V i lot of aed beds heds tints haa been bet t ts out util i lumber of 01 ew liwaj idt sturt it c I 1 lu lubi I 1 A 1 fra armi IL oo 00 1 3 IN out to idaho i few A ks io igo to took look at tile the lou tr 1 sit lay he I 1 ia is the bt cogul y up he be has hai ever seen tor for jonh tim liaf ai he intends to move there soon foon q lie he i in a cisro cf c hi or aly he here the pupils of misa mis B del art ment en t of the public chool cli ool gave her i A surprise surprie sur prie party priday eve nug olid nd nu in excellent eicel lent titine reported repol ted boren So rouen an returned from suit lake fc nul he accompanied litson david to a ho hopital pital there I 1 couple of oc weeks nu ago he eay bayr tint the boy had bad otte one of his bis lne knee oops cups broken aud will all b oom compelled polled to in the for borne battle time |