Show METHODS senator isidor RI nor of INI maryland ara in a speech in the senate a 2 few fe dis di 3 5 ago 1 sho shott ed up some of the methods of railroad companies by which aich many e dis criminated a agui ill st in tile the following we know for us taice that the rites it on a number of lines of met mer chin disc from chicago to beniti taking chitas tint as an all il lustri tion are three times is birge as the rites on the same merchandise from new boik vol k to sin francisco we know thit it costs costa less to hip chip goods from N new ae E igl ind to the gulf thin it does to ship them from ch chicago I 1 cloo to tile the anle ame term mil although the distan distance cei is see i or eight hundred miles greater Welk we know nov that it costs mole moie to ship goods one third of the distance across the cont con nent trient thin it dors docs the whole of tile the diz dis tance and that aie i goods ate are de tined foin f oin boton boston for intang in tanie to salt like cit they ale aie cabied to S sin iii F and hick bick again to silt like cit in order to the cheap rate we kno know that v we e can multiple in in degree instances in v anich mch tile the counti count 13 is b thoe where here tile the less the dib distance tance the gi giester cater tile the cost coat a aid id I 1 lie grener greiter thi di tince the les the cost eer sup shipper peril n cutill 1 lull ful aware are of the truth in ibid furce force of the foregoing it is b such unfair means that countey sections ire bled to death and glint cor po rations ire are fi oice so that the can crush out smaller concerns conc eins us ind milrita in vust fust prices conme congius Con gies S his ci clidence dence before it to know the true it ution and the people N will ill demind verdict oon |