Show NEW THEATER FOR RICHFIELD pin chased fa fur 1 ill ac A 1 R j iam en t toi tier louil 16 aa tt to ID poi binin at mok iltz lot lil ill to ti dite I ite ling A new opar op ri i house is among the new projects in the an ait foi richfield last week the A P lot on center street east of ogden store was purchased by di E A foutz fout and he and others will ill form a 1 stock company to build a 1 modern up to date theater building buil build dinc inZ next year the proposition alreid his has the Va rantee of licking backing of men of local capital sufficient to cari can the project through plans hsc haa c already bl been n considered and it hai hag been partially decided to pattern it atter after the orpheum theater of salt lake shieh is a acknowledged to be one of the finest and best arranged th itar buildings in the west the building NN will ill fate face on center street two tio for a building will Nill be con anc onto make it of concrete the other to build it of brick it will ill cost somewhere between and it is proposed to have it completed by the time amusement amuse mint season eason opens next fall |