Show FROM BALDYS GRENT jea T DOMAIN life and activity kc tivit Y eve every even n manilec Ma nilet seiei lini id mill lill in ui alii C I 1 lit III livili triko in mine dobil old ian I elo co othel odin pi II tint tilt L V undoubtedly the bet piece ut of news that IM his come coma from gold mountain since the annie laurie con LOn pally behan an operations on oil its properties lu de ve eloping loping its milo anine aud and b alding its null mill is that the alie sevier sener consolidated company has it at least reached leached a practical working basis ani has now entered upon a regular 21 i bour leour day campaign three shifts of 0 eight hour each in nuna lillue and mill have been put tri to work an aul I 1 the mill be bai bee been put in operation to its full cava capacity city of tigh teen stamps A notable notably improvement has been male in tile the mill equipment two a recent invention have been installed fur separating the sand and and these give the greatest satisfaction I 1 hese consist of stoning tanks with nith at an interior apparatus which pulls the sands upward from the depo deposits tits thorn them into troughs which carry them into the cyanide tanks the slimes are carried ok off at the lowe iowa r end of 0 tile the tanks and lan can be treated separately by this Ilie method jtb ith the amalgam plates over the product I 1 passes after being crushed by the stamps about 03 35 per cent of tile the value is obtained trie do away aay with the concentrating tables the greatest of importance import ane e in relent recent developments is the discovery of a vein of ora in the east drift aich which runs from to in gold an aej where arst ancor uncovered ered till thia eicas eili about 61 six 1 lith but bat in going dotu dov n ou it for about eight feet it has widened about eighteen inches Linches ibis ore runt runs from 00 to BM in elret and in in order to fave the sit sihar cr values it is necessary to ship to a smelter smeller which is being done dona adjoining this is matter rubb from JJ to aou ibis vein lein wa was se pirated from tile the lead chih ras as being followed by a thin p porphyry w I 1 horse borge and va was as unknown until a br break eakas I 1 as male maie through the wall aall ibis puts the sprier in pos possession elsion of 0 ore matter which will nill run rapidly into bullion and its importable import anie anLe lan annot be underestimated in to the above important changes and developments conditions abich have ban dicapi ed the compau in tile the past are being rapidly remo ed an aal I 1 in a few weeks will all be a thing of the past ori on the tha loth of tills this mouth month a bar barot of bullion was shipped out the sm sei ter ler consolidated is now in a posit position lot to join the divide dividend ud payers of utah and idill it will not be bc loog until its stok stockholders holders will begin to receive tin ample reward fur their investment there Js is nothing confronting ba he corn con pan to tuther futher annoy or handicap it aud its future is 19 assured |