Show castar A infants and marm children ahe kind you have always D boht ov rears bears the E I 1 la A tur 0 0 of f I 1 4 goed oney f er one week endling End fing aug 2 ti ing t 11 1 ke D ap 06 ai how ow are you did dd you vou overdo the fourth our ZIM get ret yarn lingers fingers t shot 0 off u aall or drank too miu much ch lemonade V ri ade 0 or r h have a v pe t too 0 0 b big i g a tt time me ia generally jeareal we are always glad 11 aa Z to see the fth e fourth of july ji aly come t 1 an and d were glad wien via 44 alie abe three days w following cr are past and w we e K W have ha ve recovered from the attack 6 S now we are ready to hian hustle tae al la 10 agam adrain and give the best in in the if laiad lai id at the lowest prices it is riot ot the profit that w we e are looking lor for t theste h e S e da days 3 S 5 out bint 11 it t is A bour business that th at we vve want and ana we vre will get ret it too 1 if f bozi ou are looking for aej the fj e right goods at the right prices keep your eya eye on this I 1 ad for the coming month and yoo will ci all i I 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 f it ti t 1 1 r 1 it a pin money y M inona Ik nearly everything in the stoie stoic has bas a bargain barga n price pric 6 mid and we ive will have it a special every saturday mom t h lun aun 0 has decided to give the patrons of this get up and get store the benefit of some close bargains in summer R ei goods all summer goods are on sale saturday L july white goods colored goods lawns ar lit t chiq pa pardales carcales par cales reales and so many other that it bould take too 11 1 much space so we ask you to call and see them and pick out some of the fine bargains Dar gains that we are 0 offering in this grand clean up sale you need the goods and we want you to get the benefit of these Q low prices now is the time for you to lay in a C stoe stock of clothes for the children misses and wife ladies take notice this is your chance of a season dont miss it DONT FORGE P r THE DATE SAT JULY 28 notice bring this ad with you and trade out one dollar and get one of our fine gifts free ft ti dij h mm e 0 gr U a di mif j A L WA IN HEE LEP r A A D n N P P I 1 y aya its a f f g ij 1 1 l ffman A ail i fr t ag y I 1 1 |