Show MEDALS ME DALS FOR VETERANS VETE RANS beci detary of state lias has awa bf ant nt another lot of for war yett rang secretary of state 0 8 feurey has just sent to peter Gottfr gottfridson odson adjutant of richfield poet of indian war veterans a 0 number of models medals for mein members here of this post the medals modals are beautiful lal in design und and should be worn with pride by the moil men who helped to make this country babi habitable those who will receive medals are as follows asa aea L hawley central W T C campson Ham paonA A FOl r droyd samuel sharp charlos sharp and henry hendrickson of 0 glenwood tare thurston Thu reton of Ann annabella jurgen jorgen smith thurber wm win hayward lars 0 hansen lewis hans P miller auguar nellson jens I 1 L jonsen wm win 0 dakar baker andrew andraw peterson paterson 0 j K Y salisbury andrew nielson and john lund of richfield this makes 40 modals oce irba at this post poat an 1 others are to follow the above named veterans vet erana should call on adjutant gottfredson und and receive their models medals |