Show E an fn 0 F I 1 E 5 val i y f vestment investment ri worthy f 1 f I 1 investigation tn V EST I 1 G atton J I 1 1 money ey pt p t in ic ih abi i uk birg E low rate 0 anter but bat f altre ire are howare other investments investment i 3 joal gitle aie lv as an ally saro fete and a eld ill pro we list hat a 9 full line IDDOO j recommend them to fotica I 1 and your alj 01 ol the following follo 1 mil 1 riving giving adequate results tu r braily keho 1 9 fi ot 1 llio ahe J int D N t 1 1 himot I 1 be 1 allej 3 adars rs and aad aske I 1 ll 11 bind ri le rea hearts ig M mcgoham Mc Goram t Lo lombi warp F national ter hart eler e ler oil I 1 red bog binding twine rind ind ropo 1 jg 13 US S cream sap elora T 1 12 ajer W ter A uro and aad rt P I 1 jariet jao I 1 et pump ra IJ oliver olier and deere plows flows tl bom and coope wagon fagout 1 l 1 aco 11 co g i oine origines eDKin eri gines estor for purer hea 1 J 1 I caa cao engine aud hore horae I 1 rl the rhe most completo om pleto line ol of I 1 atit b h offered at any IT bijj wet west of Clil cago r 1 I rambler nambler demonstrated for durability decd speed 1 n and hill olim bing propensity siti a fc ill the firmer rancher r an detork filoi h roiser raiser aud and the generally vi l nto to inspect our list of of I 1 stocks at salt sall lule city cily 1 ogden and logan utah idaho balla and montpelier Mori pelier idaho f I 1 ind it at the thirty additional we bays aye locate locale i at dif lerent m points in utah idaho wyoming cud and nevada U correspondence addressed to abe above abote pont nearest L 1 l located to you r silence or chippini point tr macres isare quill I 1 11 ir reply gon general ercil offices at salt lake city will be closed at on ij gitil sapt inclusive owing t ti 1 p m S yb from now u the fact the that t railroads will not receive freight after that hour if sundays jun days during dunce the harvest season aon a forus forue of men are at tj vork from 10 a in until 2 p in filling orders tor or machine eit trat rione us independent and a adl d dinep if 1 the boure boore named I 1 watchman on the premie ej nightly 1 I 1 commac wom bachino co L LEADING at DEALERS ll 11 19 JAU 0 T ODELL ceo cen clr npr ED VAN WAGEN hackem WAC kEM EN loc 1 HS az lyl L edese L aej C IL L J I 1 MIX Mor orrison candy CY co I 1 E alls an 31 fresh INDIES andies a d qz IG AL RS all new a and nd popular beverages served frust fruit punches delicious sundaes sundnes and pho phosphates chates A ff everything sanitary and wholesome atol have you missed one chance here is another perhaps as good while you vere acre thinking 10 about it somebody ele ehe got goi hold bold of that bece piece of property you had houi eye on oil real leal estate is in in demind these days and a bar bargain ain dont mait ait long oil we still have choice some 1101 ni one if aou ou were disappointed before i we e can call piol pio babl abia all aill suit u it 3 ou tut but if there is anything in abi thi this s list that thai ati ikc you 3 ou had bettea speak quickly foi these snaps dont doia last long we have one of the be bet best t terms farms in 3 room brick residence in sout liMet gress grass valley for only worth part of town pull full lot nell ell fenced and twice that amount acres of land cultivated laan hydrant aud and water sll fill fenced part farming land part hay bay in the house price only anly CUO this land and part rapture fa ture excellent ic i a good place for a small email esmil family Y water right tor for all good frame house acre chance that probably will ls is a of 7 rooms in burrville Burr ville and numerous nume roas other improvement gr grass ass valley not appear again new brick residence containing four rooms and property values kir are don edoRn and now nov is rooms nicely furnished and pantry the aba time to buy papered electric lights water vater works neat and substantial brick cottage and modern convenience pio property perty containing 4 rooms down stairs all situated one block west vest ot johnston Joh naton painted ard and papered several substantial hotel call today if you this out buildings the property home at we will wall give you time is within hull half block of main street on on part of the price first north and has he a fron frontale taze ol of 53 the sevier A farm under fifty acre fe feet e t we will take 1100 for this drop property three canal situated about valley ar ty it if sold nt at once ot otherwise berwise tho the ral miles north of town with water price will be advanced as ih ch piece ie 16 acres cultivated most tight right really worth more than we ve aal of it lucern if ton know bow to raise seed ought to be able to locern you one or best hotel properties in se clear the price of the farm it in oue one sea ta tier er county rood good lo 10 loi city lot for son price this is U snap fin I 1 gool stable baras iaras aras and sh ds in of venice connection doing a good business busine s seme resident fir it lass class rock rack burldine buil bul dine dicig 2500 takes south trout front lu in inside hali ball lot with it will take part payment in form farm build southwest part of iown fine lou land this bargain liar pain will not last lug log site sile price arn e only IGO and it if you WUL fire are short of money va a will sell it to one half orner corner with one and add you anyway one cne half story brick residence containing inside choice residence close in 4 rooms down stairs and abid 4 i i halt half of lot brick house boase modern and boonis up stairs with alth good cl cellar a r and and nith water works rater ia 11 the house bouse the ibe lot contains convenient barn and r out lights t a fine young and a good A bargain at the price build house this has a poultry property j tsoo down balance on SUO 2800 lerma north front anti ami i situated in the folta part of town here is a good time at 8 per cent boms ready to corp morp into for only land A parcel of 42 acres of farming 11 aab the he best beet in austin some of sugar land in the c aunt good water right corner lo 10 lot in south et ct part of lf nearly all cuatt abed here is a s snap nap towai own ened and only one bloch irom main street A cheap bu iding lot at for 40 per re acre only chiy inside half bizil ding lot south front A choice farmier piece of 0 0 1 acres good orchard situated sit jated anted oil oi second au acres in bay aaa with 76 shares water bouth and three blocks block east of main rig feht lit lopater in brooklyn here is a only two blocks from city parl park arid and a chance for a cooj farm at 80 per acre very desirable location a short I 1 0 cabins well and fumio on land time we ore are offering this property for you cant discount this tor for a bargain only we also have have other pi cs N hichi aich we e ha hae e not pace to describe among them abeln being a tock aock lanch De 1 bargains in both cl city ty ind and far farm m pr property are being placed with us every day if you hai hae e anything M to sell or you want to buy dont mil lail to call on us roal estate chann Ex J M lauritzen JAn nager office ar ic court motive richfield utah RICHFIELD U TAU saturday u tri e 30 C 1 R C ua E 5 0 M F A jwj ad 4 THE BIG ESHO I 1 ya V J rsm I 1 J I 1 7 riot L z 41 J L t of THE KR 11 MAYA r n 4 lj BRUTE THE IMPERIAL acts 10 r at 10 BAREBACK RIDERS IG LIU Hs A REGIMENT OF ACTORS I 1 I 1 01 w eter EF V ahe fiefe r T 2 PERFORM NG rr FHI atiel ULEE le t HM K CF HD AD WL taj rif 1 dilill 1 1 Z OPEN denis DEKS OF TRAINED BEASTS 3 HUCE CIRCUS AERL ARTISTS U novel midd alf ACTS AC C CLOWNS L 0 W N S A S SINGING I 1 N G I 1 N G L A U G H N G L LOT 0 7 c or r F diun V N aej EJA A K r rf 50 0 BE 11 HUR HERD OF STEEDS OF THE TE BLACK EAGLE eacle FEATHER 3 arst artech korsts kORS LS IL L ty iiii amt feu ec fri FE be L tc 0 0 G es irani SK tc L S SEA E A T sv F 0 OR R 10 0 D 0 PEOPLE R E 0 PL E AT to 10 A rd fac F EACH ac YOU COLI arll EEC TEX tt y fyd f r R R tf R E liffley lif fly IP F tbt ka i ra r ff 33 ci I 1 i r wl r ny lj sa fc c ta ph tty R i MEW afa tab cwm BE abw FREE p sw t aca p fely dfcia i a efy BV pa I 1 tia t ia F 11 1 I 11 w s fan IT 1 sa Ei liLE aho ml A ils az tapa arg in r ILE IL E i 1 r i fit n t t r r C t SP SF S P F rs S OF CF WE ure PUCE PLACE ON CH TC ne I 1 cr clia S 71 tta tu 11 sali orSHa alir 11 c acs t cr 1111 i ht TIL I 1 i ijen r ru R P 5 0 N R RATES A F F S F P R 0 ml E az V E E R et E t E r 7 TO RICHFIELD UTAH SATURDAY JUNE 30 the CORI fak bul june and july are the months to get in coal from august until january the railroad raili oad cars are in use in in transporting farm products product for the next thirty days we per offer coal in tenton ten ton lots at Y ton IN A J NOW bam boal 00 1 local agents utah fuel co 3 C ILEX morrison MOrrI SOH treasurer Treas Trea creT gurer MORRISON BROS PEALER IN J A plumbers S supplies u ap pp fi i e s mcw AND m mm r all AH worl brently done and gari ja nf nit place of in bas kascmer ciner 27 of anderton bloc block o 0 0 a I 1 6 THE REMINGTON 0 0 1 I 1 typewriter 0 ri I 1 1 itz a 0 F T 01 does not oer overwork work to operator p ar the operator cannot o ernora the asa remington S west temple st 4 g 21 1 salt sal late lake lat e city utah 0 a Q gae cleo 2111 9 0 6 ca 94 |