Show the reaper would like to fee ec the boys organise org anise ahem acl iea into 1 bond band of honor to refrain from using theis flippers upon robins meadow larks md and other of our companionable bira 0 W is 1 alone flonc you foil know boys these birds bird do very little damage you know they do lots lota of good they destroy insects and wormer by b y the tens of thousands that prey upon the work of man they are one of the best friends friend we have not only do alicy I 1 lid lot vt in in protecting our they bring brim a cheer ch cr and iid noceto t oie fo us which v jn after lle rye years ar 5 1 you boys will wel welcome conc as a 1 voice voice from god dont kill these birds boys I 1 flace y yourselves ourselves our selver upon yo your boycie honor nt not to do so and we use your in influence thithi thi your companions companioni to the same ond end when will they ever learn 1 A few days ago a bo boy was dragged to death in boxelder Box elder county one end ot of a 1 rope was around a be horse s ei neck the other end the boy tiel tied to his leg the horse got scared the boy is no more accidents of this character are arc of yearly occurrence our some boys boyc tie one end of a hitching rope around their leg their body thou then neck or their wrist its a foul fool trick to do no matter how gentle a horse may in be dont do 0 it it reduces duces the aver average age of longevity it seems as it it is noty one thing it is another A few years ago the grasshoppers ravaged our crops year ear the blight attacked the following year insects invaded tu beet fields frosts and insect shave kil killed more or less of our fruit and now it is a lucern blight we ought to get through with the list of plagues pretty soon thirty one columns calums of advertising is not bad for a six quarto couii chuhi try weekly that is the amount carried by the richfield reaper and would indicate that the reaper man was adding to his bank account says the western publisher 0 of chicago one of the leading newspaper miga magazines of the count county Y again we caution parents about keeping their children away from the depot the writer has witnessed several cloe calls to serious herious accidents ci and we warn the people that if the children are not kept away from the depot there will be sorrow in in home sooner or later the citizens of richfield Kich field should liberally donate to the band boys to assist them in getting uniforms the band is becoming an institution to be proud of and they are going to furnish richfield with a lot of music this summer free the people can afford to help them along there is more truth than poetry in the remark accredited to a unit united states senator that affairs are so bad that when the senate renate roll is called he know whether to say present or not guilty the readi r will a pro pre dicton that if deith does not intervene ter vene bryan will ag again tin be the standard bearer of the democratic party in 1908 |