Show BEET CROP IS LOOKING FINE stand in sevier county never better tops topa are arc fourteen inches ATON acro and lu luxurious jurious effect of fiot fio t heat and in insect A ets fat fail I 1 PI atin Belie believed to be secret ot of Si hiis is k J A moore who was as over from elsinore Ela inore last laet week on jury jary duty gave the reaper some I 1 information ion concerning the beet crop outlook in bis big section he stated that be tied bad neverseen never seen a better stand than is presented this season the beets in the austin district which were planted I 1 early now span about fourteen inches across the tops of the lu itai us es and nearly touch across the furrows beet thinning is 19 completed LAIE PLAN riNG mr moore said bald that he be and others had become convinced that a great deal of the blight of former years and the damage attributed to the ra ge of insects was really due to la luls t a blunt ing ahou the he beets last just begin to make top lop as lot hot weather comes 0 01 1 the heat of the suu and thy the ground to lo kotlier blunts them 9 and it if the moisture la is driven below the root of I 1 abu be beet it cannot overtake it aud and lo in es out then too loo the flere glare of 0 the sui sue on tho the ground is fleeced fleeted eted balk back on the under sido side of the led leaf it a louf is designed by nature to protect it belt from the suns rays from above but not from beneath arid and when nhen the roots cannot draw up moisture the tops curl up and wither the test teet will DO neier er thrive after getting such a setback NO rear FEAR OF FROST the fear ot of damage by frost has lost tte its terror tor for the doot growers ot of this county during the past part teree weeks the beets have survived heavy frosts trolls which havo have hurt other crops and even frozen the beet leaves but so 80 for far as can be ba ascertained no harm harin has resulted to the beets this thia is believed algono also to be duo due to early planting ibe moro more vigorous and hardy the beet top the less leas it is susceptible to lo frost ROOT HOOT NOT UNHEALTHY another thing learned this season is iq that the black tips of the root when the beets begin to mika growth la is not an unhealthy indication one party who dM discovered this supposed dismas diseased condition of his beets at thinning time was about to plow up the eutre entire crop und and plant the ground to oats Us he was advised not to do so and now bib hi beets are just as thrifty and heal thy as any to be found in the district LESS INSECTS THIS YEAR the fly which is supposed to have such snob damage last bear ear has das appeared again this year but not nearly so BO numerous as last season some leaves ebow the mark of insects but there has been no injury to fie beets here hera again is another argument men ti in n favor ot of early planting it las be an demonstrated that it if the beets have made good progress whon when the insects come along their attak attack pon u the leaves does not do any harm the people or mr moores Moore 1 district are taking anew a new interest insular in bugar beet browin yr owin and if the crop turns out this year as expected the acreage in that district will be greatly increased ne ile t year NEARLY FLOODED mr moore reports that the farmers on the south g side of the river east of elsin re bad hard work vork to leop leep the river from overflowing upon their lands dui low inn the recent raise and in un lauon lation was prevented only by throwing up a levee three to four foar feet high about three fourths of a mile lung hodg mou men and toting worked like trojans tor for several days follow me tilt flap flag when our soldiers went to cuba and the philippines health was the important consideration willis T morgan retired commissary ser gealt n U a A of rural route 1 concord N H says 1 I was waa two years in cuba and two years in the philippines and being an abject to colds I 1 tork lock dr rings new discover for tion which kept mo me in perfect health and now in new hampshire we find it the best medicine lu in the world for co conens n gris colds bronchial troubles las and all H lung diseases guaranteed at niell drug drue co price coc and 1 I 1 trial bottle tree free keyless locks for ea building ul iding alfred V falkman is having a two story combination flat ani business building erected at grand avenue and east taylor street that will not bo provided with a single key for its man doors every lock will bo be a keyless and opera operated td with a com combination blua lock portland Ore oregonians oregonian gonian |