Show GLENWOOD I 1 MRS GEO rickenbach correspondent I 1 an open night program was wa held by the M I 1 A tuesday eve ning nag mrs george rickenbach gave a talk lalk on the theme a solo was sung bung by C blaik laik bu renson ac oy maine i liia lena a piano solo lahb wyne W gave a reacting reau ing anu I 1 mis jwia ivria dumn sang one selection accompanied by phil powell the rest of the devening evening was tient aan dancing cing the glaner girls and M men classes enjoyed a ming party at the not hoi spring and a md ingot luncheon at the home of Ms mis irene hilkenbach gleaner clams president mr ana mis H 1 E Heiles heileson cn sent seat we uie luttle part of the in n bait ait lake on siness business ou mrs james deflin blent tuesday anu wednesday with her son ni a law and ana daughter dvir and mrs jonal of koosharem Koo sharem phil returned wednesday irom from pocatello idaho I 1 aiss naomi powell entertained a number ot ol mends at a hallowd en party at ai her home wednesday evening wiss aliss donna entertained e d at a party wednesday evening halloween pranks and games were enjoyed by the little guests the church history class of the sunday school and we ar r buys boys ot of the primary enjoyed a Hal halloween loycen party at the home of cher che r leader mrs george ricken oah luncheon was served to 18 guests grant dom domgaard aard of salt lake is is pending a vacation with his par ants mr and mrs john domgaard g phelon malouf of salt lake pent the weekend with hiscar his par mt inta mr and mrs N M malouf nd with them enjoyed the pheasant hunt kenneth nielson of magna was I 1 vi visitor aitor sunday at the home of his grandfather A L jensen mis mi s viva and her uncle ferris of salt lake spent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs arnold mrs peter returned home saturday having spent two months with her children in nevada and salt lake miss tone hendrickson and miss grace mcclellan spent the latter art rt rf the week visiting mr and Ms val steele of salina berdean of salt lake cac home for the pheasant hunt and to lizit his na barents rents mr and mr andrew vrr r and mrs donald nf if duent sunday an and monday at the home of mr and VT jmes J mes me duffin parents of mrs chau gaard |