Show employment service director named ray R adams who for the past year has been the director of the unemployment compensation divis in of the state industrial commission has been named executive director of both the unemployment compensation and the employment service divi divisions sins of the state industrial commission according to an announcement made by 0 F methane shane acting chairman of the commission mr adams appointment followed the affiliation of the state of utah with the U S reemploy ment service under the wagner peyser act by this affiliation the state industrial commission took over the work of cn ducting cm klyment offices in the state of utah the employment office is one of the very important parts of unemployment compensation administration under the utah unemployment compensation law an individual who has lost his job must report to an employment office and be ready and available for work in case the employment office does docs not vet ret the individual a job the individual is entitled to unemployment compensation benefits providing he has sufficient work history mr adams has begun the task of coordinating the unemployment ind and the employment office divisions |