Show MRS C J SUMNER LEGION state presidents visit and report of big convention features meeting the annual election of officers of the american legion auxiliary of richfield took place at a meeting held last week at the home of mrs C J sumner and resulted as follows mrs C J sumner president mrs henry E deal beal and mrs C R card vice presidents 2 mrs kenneth L hood secretary mrs airs H S ivie treasurer mrs hanmer peterson sergeant at arms mrs vern pace mrs stanley johnson and mrs V A malmsten executive committee committee members standing committee chairmen appointed are mrs airs D B gottfredson child welfare mrs airs L A poulson community service and music miss na ila clark publicity of special interest at the meeting were a brief address by mrs robert harlin utah state president of the auxiliary a report of the national legion and auxiliary convention held recently in portland oregon given by ferdinand ericson erickson who was among the utah legionnaires in attendance and readings by mrs carvel mattsson assisting mrs airs sumner as hostesses were mrs airs hanmer hamner peterson and mrs C D emery the next meeting of the auxiliary will be held december 2 at the home of mrs D B gottfredson |