Show this h ais dp store Is ELECTED L da 9 shopping headquarters for thrifty housewives ves pre election specials for 4 days friday saturday monday tuesday macaroni ac strawberry jam 2 lb ib jar rolled oats 9 lb bag jumbo peanuts 2 lbs ibs mixed candy 2 lbs ibs cherry chocolates lb ib box wheat flakes large onions fancy lb ib IC fig bars 2 lbs ibs flour high hig h patent bag cake flour gold medal with cake cooler FREE salt 25 lb bag fresh dates 2 lbs ibs T bone steaks 2 lbs ibs beef roasts lb ib 8 yeal veal and lamb chops lb ib ALZ C basli wash C acta carry ca V rv FREB DELIVERY 1030 A 11 al M and P BL AL PHONE 79 9 RICHFIELD abe murdock for f or congress angress representing the new liberalism which will restore america to its own people A lifelong friend of LABOR because he has been a working man at day wages in the mines factories and on the farms and roads reads of utah he will ivill fight unceasingly to secure for labor an equitable share in the fruits of labor A he is a farmer and livestock raiser and stands for a TARIFF that will protect agriculture instead of international bankers in place of offering apologies igles for inaction he will iu fight unceasingly 21 1 cea singly for the Z TION OF SILVER SELVER because ho he believes that the welfare of the 0 J intermountain intel mountain region depends upon the silver question he stands for rigid ECONOMY IN government federal state county and municipal he IWO believes that economy in government is another name for honesty in government he Is in the prime of life untiring fighter for what he thinks is right and right means to him athe the prosperity and happiness of the common man in america today wo we are faced with these problems unemployed workers insolvent banks americans depending on charity farms from which the farmer has been driven by foreclosure unnumbered red business failures nation wido panic and poverty this is no time for narrow Partis partisanship ansh ip I 1 vote for honesty vote for progress vote for prosperity prosper ity vote for abe murdock advertisement paid for by friends of utah club TRY A WANT AX AD CARD OF THANKS we sincerely appreciate the kindness and sympathy expressed and shown in many ways during our recent bereavement we are especially grateful to those who made such heroic efforts to release our boy from the beet receiving station machinery sir air and mrs enoch larsen and family friday saturday SPECIAL MATINEE aiA TINEE FRIDAY AT P af w 8 fl iiii os r hi fal el 2 amini da all ca H B J raz k nd wd cheer CV vy mf U F p aaa deih when you see the black Horse Troop on parade when you heartha music of regimental bands when you respond to the intense drama of or this K colorful story of the makins making of a mani man better than the spirit of or notre J 4 dalef TOM BROWN of culvar CU vf R THIS SPLENDID PICTURE IS SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN LEGION POST AND LADIES AUXILIARY PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR CHARITY classified advertisements FOR RENT 4 room house 3 alks south of high school mina colby FOR SALE good used standard underwood typewriter 20 inquire reaper office 44 FOR SALE weaner pigs niels hansen glenwood FOR SALE bed springs and mattress phone 43 WANTED Rel reliable lable hustler can start earning 35 weekly and increase rapidly write immediately rawleigh Rawl elgh co dept U T 28 S denver colorado FOR SALE OR TRADE for hay good steer calves jacob gott fredon richfield FOR RENT 5 room modem home furnished good location so main inquire C W powell no main richfield 44 LOST 8 M al luger rine rifle between rockwood ranger station and central reward inquire reaper office 44 FORD LABOR PRICES lv jR ICES ft E 10 valves ground spark plugs cleaned and adjusted carbon cleaned ignition tuning adjusted ALL THIS FOR ONLY motor tuned up and reset reset distributor points adjusted headlights focused carburetor cleaned fan adjusted su battery tested and refilled 4 and adjusted with distilled fuel line cleaned water MATERIAL USED IS EXTRA OTHER FORD LABOR drive in and let us put your car in al A l 1 condition for thousands of additional miles of good service REDUCED accordingly malicote MALI COmE MOTOR C PHONE 44 RICHFIELD mom SUNDAY AND MONDAY continuous shows sunday starting matinee prices until 6 P al che made a big splash in society when he was thrown over board WAI L L always good for a LAU LAUGH and this one is his biggest with dorothy JORDAN irene RICH matty kemp story by homer croy screen play and dialog author al by edwin burke ney had to see e acted by FOX TUESDAY ONLY TOM a VZ 21 04 in a t riller an horl ack oil t n bordo he rode a red hot addle and scorched the boarin west when they tried to 4 lung hang the thie vinon on Z the girl he loved I 1 1 I R 0 A TES ROBT LLIS dd D d 0 aci WED THURS one of his best i N other comedies C carhop Cart Car toP sports news serial another big bargain show for ONLY loo coming nov 11 12 washington washing ton merry go round A forceful drama behind the political scene in the national cap capital also alo WALKER fight picture KONGO previously advertised on in our program will be shown show at i later date |