Show 1931 MARVEL OPENING OF BARGAIN sensations A WHIRLWIND OF unapproachable VALUE GIVING NOTICE IMPORTANT STORE OPENS 10 A M FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6 while you sit reading this every effort is being put forth by the entire force of this establishment to prevent the slightest disappointment every fibre fabre of this institution is being utilized that everything will be in readiness reading every employee is busy getting up goods marking ticketing arranging stock every preparation is being made to accommodate thousands MAIL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED POSTAGE PAID WANTED salesgirls SALES GIRLS apply at richfield tuesday NOVEMBER 3rd ard WARNING while at the time of our opening the stocks will be heavy dont blame us if they are swept away in an hour we are giving you great values butlers cutlers C ut r s opening open ing priced P ric d the greatest talked of opening in richfield utah of recent times will be the new cutler store in this town the greatest startling prices of mens high grade clothing and garments will be offered to the people of this locality cutlers butlers Cut lers manufacture their own L D S garments and a big part of their guaranteed merchandise the prevailing congestion of tremendous quantities of garments and suits and mens furnishings will now be offered to you on this opening day and to accomplish com this miracle under prevailing conditions the most drastic crowd compelling bargains will prevail during our opening so with this information at hand you can afford to set aside every appointment and reap the rewards you waited for CUTLERS tul IF V S aw in ers into motion at 1000 ae A me M 1 DAY im M ambr R 6 IN RICHFIELD UTAH DONT FORGET BE HERE THE GONG STARTS THE BIG EVENT A 50 BRIBE WOULD NOT KEEP YOU AWAY IF YOU KNEW ALL MENS HIGH GRADE 17 ca 5 s s many men think a sock is a sock but the brand of the sock is the thing to look for you may buy only nine cent socks or maybe ninety cent ones but what ever price c e you pay pan cent for cent you get more service from the socks you buy here hose 90 9 goo pr mens silk wool hose 17 1170 hose hose aw 19 pair 6 arto pr to customer hose 29 ONE LOT MENS SOCKS values include and pair hose your choice 1 6 pair to a customer 1 MENS AND boysa ocl mens alens and boys slip one lot mens mena slip over all mens alens fleeced wool sweaters sweater coat mens heavy shaker one to customer sweaters all wool ba an JU 0 blankets su one lot part wool blankets blankets single 1200 blankets 3 to customer I 1 1500 1500 blankets all atthe opening prices are marked on YELLOW TAGS WATCH FOR THEM buy some of the work shirts we sell also the overalls never mind the price bigger better values than you will find in the en cn tire city A SALE WORTH COMING MILES MILE S FOR SUIT say NOT IN A CULL taci STOCK A preponderance of nationally advertised brands SUIT NOT in A the POOR STORE London town J friedman gl nj IV MEN union made divided into tab utta two groups selling for fast ki this lot contains suits worth here is a bunch of suits we will the horld over any one compare to fine wool of them we could sell for ten to mixtures some fifty dollar ow fifteen dollars more but we want suits cutlers butlers Cut lers quality two au you to advertise these suits and au words that mean everything show them to your friends and in time will have the entire no we to you in a suit paying clothing business of the state for cash you always pay less men who isho have to have the best OVERCOATS AT THE SAME reductions OVERCOATS OVERCOAT AT THE SAME reductions high gradus tidas ties ONE LOT TIES ties 3 to a customer BOW TIES sr r LS mens alens silk lined ties 49 i mens alens silk lined suits 2350 mens alens ath avenue sox 29 paris garters 21 L D S garments long wearing 59 lawn fete dress suspenders 49 rain coats jarman foot style shoes jersey gloves 12 mens arctic fleeced sweater coats mens north woods tan suede jackets 1395 ladies cutler made house dresses childs cutler fast print dresses 69 men fine dress gloves 1 a 3 u it s MENS ONE LOT have got to fit or WOOL HOSE we wont let them pair go out of the store 3 to a customer er LIAL mens alens dress pants mens dress pants P 2 19 mens all wool dress pants mens heavy khaki pants mens sheepskin coats mens dupont sheepskin coats mens flannel shirts aw 79 mens alens big yank work shirts 69 mens alens wool shirts mens alens wool shirts mens alens super quality caps 99 mens alens high boot sox 39 mens heavy cotton hose 17 mens alens heavy part pait wool hose 29 turkish towels 14 LATE ARRIVALS mens leather sole work shoes mens fine dress oxfords van heusen collars 4 for 90 liens alens fashion play mufflers Aluf flers 98 mens alens well made cowhide belts 49 19 1 10 mens style trend caps 49 mens alens firm film felt hats mens melo fit hats cutlers butlers Cut lers medium weight double back L D S garments cutlers butlers Cut lers heavy weight double back L D S garments cutlers butlers metropolitan blue kersey overcoats 2050 mens blue denim overalls 79 mens all wool wo ol 01 new york slipover sweaters franklin metropolis clock str stripe ipe wool dress sox so 44 0 o OUR OPENING TG DAY WILL SEE A FLOOD OF BARGAINS THAT WILL AROUSE THE BUYING PUBLIC AS IT HAS NEVER BEEN AROUSED BEFORE I 1 TT fl B 9 cl I 1 I 1 I 1 ba wf it y I 1 acs KB HE WINKLE BUILDING RICHFIELD UTAH the manufacturers of London town suits save tremendous sums of money by not using high priced billboard advertising and are therefore able to give you better suits at the same money conditions of opening during our opening merchandise will be sold for cash on only y sold according to law L D S GARMENTS in building our garments wo we use clean combed cotton rayon or silk yarns the same weight garment still has more wear at less cost to the consumer in spite of the pains we go to make better garments still our prices are the same as the cheaper makes suits L D S GARMENTS suit 3 to customer I 1 I 1 L D S garments now L D S garments now 95 med wt L D S garments now heavy L D S garments now men part wool L D S garments now mens silk stripe L D S garments now suits medium weight L D S garments seconds all styles 3 to a customer 1 men alen heavy cotton shirts or drawers 69 mens chalmers part wool shirts or drawers s ura Union 9 suits there are several things entered into our selection of mens union suits that the customer never dreams of heavy part wool one lot meres mens unions super non run super lisle rayon shorts unions 1319 74 silk stripe broadcloth 3 to a customer shorts 4 39 s leeather Le cather belts alts D lu if you are looking for cheap one lot mens shoddy stuff dont come to this sale have not as we a dollars worth of old goods leather belts in the store each mens alens belts 49 I 1 to a customer mens men s belts 59 kaffl 9 s tnt 0 to ONE LOT loc handkerchiefs 4 40 loc handkerchiefs handkerchiefs 90 9 THREE FOR handkerchiefs 14 loc 3 to a customer iden S dress aioo diw shirts whether you are a millionaire or a wage earner the money you put into a shirt is as good as the money you put in a bank we want you to buy some wear theme them compare with other one lot mens shirts you may have fine silk paid more f fore ore then RAYON TIES trade where you get the ac most for your dollar each A wagon load of fast asi color cobor one aith ith each vat dyed non N 0 n hirt buy a shirt kurl collars and get one of never offered at these thea beautiful this price before ties for ac values up to A SALE WORTH COMING MILES FOR of |