Show mick imick is not cocky 91 A tc fe dan ila s q after election the editor met 0 it Afi chelsen and asked him where he hd had been since election well replied slick 1 I vent up to salt lake for the purpose of con oling ahby snow but I 1 found that trie only difference between ashby all and nd job of old N wis is that job had bad bol bolls I 1 thea the both refused lefus eil to be comforted td so I 1 came home agair again now thit I 1 am home I 1 want nant to ta tale tins to thank in mi friends for the loval imal support they the gae me at the polls polli I 1 lam am not cock bocki about my ote because I 1 believe firmly in the statement blessed Bl esel are the humble in spirit for the shall inherit the earth |