Show bi ig 0 ay f bo boom is expected TJ x necked in local poultry industry hollowing Vol lowing good team work matter Is now in joint meeting of commercial club and poultry association community awaits verdict with interest county agent S R boswell who was kind enough to represent the reaper in the joint meeting of the richfield commercial club and the richfield poultry association which was held in the commercial club rooms thursday evening for the purpose e of boosting the local poultry industry bendsus sends send sus us t the he following report of the proceedings vi vice cc president H N hayes in the chair A mr I 1 r dan baker and the Com mercial Co emial club quartette lead the audience in singing the commercial club song chairman hayes pointed out the value of a large number of pay rolls in richfield and sevier county the matters of business attended to were as follows appointment of committees for the Co mercial club membership drive committees as follows south of center street F X carron canon can on F G alai martines tines and W B pace north of center street H H petersen W L warner and leslie poulson this being all of the anat matters of business the meeting was turnover to the officers of the poultry association ernest Christ nansen president of the poultry association presided and reviewed the object of the meeting J J talked on what the poultry industry means to sevier cou county he said that if baby chicks were brought into this county next aprin sprin spring g that we could logically expect laying hens next fall he estimated that yearling hens would be on hand figuring that each hewn hen would lay eggs per year this would bring a total income for one year of 00 he said that in the neighborhood of would have to be paid for the chicks if this same amount of money was placed into a I 1 hatchery in this county it would help to strengthen the industry the speaker cited a number of instances where poultry men of utah and sevier county have made large returns from the poultry business he said that hat C H west of hoytsville summit county received per lien hen net for his poultry last year he said that alex jensen of richfield who has laying hens produced a net return of during this year aside from this mr jensen raises hay bay grain beets dairy cows and sugar beets his major farm operation being sugar beets from the 20 90 acres of the same planted this year 0 on n w which lie he spent most of his big time lie received a net income of the money from the poul poultry tryl was wa just a side issue as faras far as time was concerned mr lofgreen ie presenting the utah poultry association said that utah should capitalize its ie sources he said that our climate was better belter for poultry than california he traced tile the development of cooperation in the cooperative marketing of poultry products he said that sevier county w was as discriminated against at present 0 on n account of its long distance from the egg grading station said that the association was anxious to help sevier county and that they would build a plant here provided baby chicks were ordered by the poul thymen of Sevier county county agent S R bosswell told how the extension service and farm bureau in sanoma county california in which petaluma Pet aluma is located are working to help the hatcheries put out a good quality of baby chicks the rules and regulations of the sanoma county farm bureau accredited hatchery project were read also a report of the activities of the workers during the month of october during which time they are preparing the liens hens for the laying of eggs that will be used for hatching next spring G W coons secretary of the sevier county farm bureau said that the farm bureau was the parent of the poultry association and that the organization was anxious to help the poultry men of sevier county the plant as has been mentioned jonathan lloyd president of the commercial club said that sevier county should crow about the industry he said richfield businessmen appreciated the value of the poultry and egg checks when they came into the county A general discussion followed judge hayes guy lewis mayor parley magleby goo geo H ogden and charles wilson taking part in the same the meeting was enthusiastic tic throughout and those present went ani away ay expecting to encourage all with whom they came caine in in contact to boost the poultry industry |