Show 0 0 WAYNE DISTRICT SCHOOLS 0 0 in its aim to be of service the wayne high school sent out offers b its principal to the wards of 0 the county to furnish the program for the upon one night during the coming winter these offers have been accepted by the following wards through their respective bishops upon the dates mentioned I 1 november ath lyman archie bishop november fremont robert taylor bishop november loa W H callahan bishop november bicknell R A meeks bishop december 3rd ard teasdale W H heaps bishop december torrey E P bishop at t these hese places upon the dates mentioned the following programs will be rendered america and red white and blue high school band violin solo solos S H chidister what the high school stands for 5 min talk supt bupt hick hickman mail victory barch high school band baud A publication of the federal bureau ot education under date of 0 december 3rd ard to oth states that 55 percent over half of the teachers in one room schools of the united states have not been graduated from high school people in ill wayne who think their lot bar hard should consider this only one teacher in the county has less than high school credentials and he has attended summer schools and otherwise qualified himself to the extent that lie he has been granted a teachers certificate by the state board of education superintendent hickman reports that lie he has observed during his recent inspection of the schools of the district that the teachers are taking greater care of school property and checking very carefully upon the use of 0 supplies and texts by their pupils this he says is one of the biggest lessons the teacher can teach to make the greatest use of the materials available he states further that he is preparing an itemized report of the accomplishments of each school along these lines and that he will give these out for publication later in the year |